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"You must go, most decidedly; she is wonderful." "Whom am I to see first, ma tante the actress or the preacher?" Nekhludoff said with a smile. "Please don't catch at my words." "I should think the preacher first and then the actress, or else the desire for the sermon might vanish altogether," said Nekhludoff. "No; better begin with the French Theatre, and do penance afterwards."

"What about him?" "I want to know, my dear, what I ought to make of this Mr. Clyffurde." Crystal laughed lightly, and looked up with astonished, inquiring, wide-open eyes to her aunt. "What should you want to make of him, ma tante?" she asked, wholly unperturbed under the scrutinising gaze of Madame. "Nothing," said the Duchesse abruptly. "I have had my answer, thank you, dear."

Then, with many a sigh, Montalvo departed home to Leyden upon his beautiful black horse, but not before he had enjoyed a few minutes' earnest conversation with the worthy Tante Clara.

Keineth suddenly thought how good it was of Tante to leave their comfortable home and their jolly dinners and Dora's steaming pancakes to go back to Belgium to help! Then as if the whole day was not queer and different enough, Keineth suddenly heard her father's quick step on the stairway. He had said he would not be home until that night!

"They kept my measurements there and Tante would just look at the materials." "And you never decided as to what color you wanted or had ribbons and things?" cried Peggy wonderingly. Keineth's face colored a little. "Madame Henri thought plain things better," she explained. "That's what mother says, but that plain things can be pretty, too.

Ah, I know you will not, yet the cry arises. Do not let this new love that has come to you in your youth and gladness shut me out more than it must. Do not forget the old, the lonely Tante. Ah, these poor tears, they fall and fall. I am sad, sad to death, my Karen. Great darknesses are behind me, and before me I see the darkness to which I go. "Farewell, my darling. Lebewohl. Tell Mr.

With the high appreciation he had of "Tante" whom he termed, next to the mother, the most important factor of education in the family our "Oheim" was probably specially agreeable to him. He was thoroughly a self-made man.

That was when you were staying with those old women. So it's she. Elle est encore jolie?" Katerina Ivanovna was a strong, bright, energetic, talkative woman of 60. She was tall and very stout, and had a decided black moustache on her lip. Nekhludoff was fond of her and had even as a child been infected by her energy and mirth. "No, ma tante, that's at an end.

He couldn't but suspect Tante's motives in wanting them to give a little dinner-party for her. But he feigned the most genial interest in the plan and agreed with Karen that they must ask their very nicest to meet Tante. Betty had helped Karen with all her dinners; she had seen as yet very little of the great woman, and entered fully into Karen's eagerness that everything should be very nice.

Already, even while they made merry over the check, Keineth was beginning to worry as to what she should do with it! Of course Mr. Lee had advised her putting it in the bank, but that did not seem like much fun! If Daddy were at home she would buy something for him with it or she might send it to Tante to help the poor children that were suffering from the war. "Give it to the Red Cross!"