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Suffering as I was, I could scarcely help laughing at Jan's face, as, getting up on his knees, he looked with a broad grin at the hippopotamus, still uncertain whether it was dead or not. At length, convinced that his enemy could do him no further harm, he rose to his feet, exclaiming "Tankee, tankee, cap'n! If de gun not go off, Jan no speak 'gain."

"Tankee, tankee, massa; God bless massa!" his vocabulary not enabling him to use any set phrases. It was dark before the soup was ready. As soon as it was sufficiently cool, and I had added some pepper and salt, I took it to him. "Oh, massa! dis too much good to poor nigger," he murmured as he supped it up; and almost immediately afterwards sinking back, he fell into a deep slumber.

The poor African was absolutely astonished, for never had the voice of concession been heard from the lips of Matilda before, even to her own parents; and the idea of her humility and kindness in this acknowledgment so deeply affected the faithful creature, that, after gazing at her in admiration for a moment, she burst into tears, and then clasping her hands, she exclaimed, in a broken manner "Oh, tankee God! tankee God! pretty Missy be good girly at last! her lovee her good mamma her pity poor negro her go up stair when her die.

Now ablutinists say, 'Hand me dat piller, you darned rascal, and den make yourself skase, you is as black as de debbil's hind leg. And den she say "'Trow dat scarf over my ankles, to keep de bominable flies off. Tankee, Sorrow; you is far more handier dan Aunt Dolly is.

They mostly received the water scarcely casting a glance of gratitude towards us; but one man exhibited a marked contrast to this behaviour, and, as I handed him the cup, he exclaimed before drinking it "Tankee, massa, tankee, massa," and then quaffed it eagerly, showing how much his parched throat required the refreshing fluid. "Do you understand English?"

"'Don't make a noise, Plutarch, said she, 'I can't stand it. I isn't a goin' to put you to def. You shall lib. I will gib you a wife. "'Oh, tankee, Missus, said he, 'oh, I will pray for you night and day, when I ain't at work or asleep, for eber and eber. Amen. "'You shall ab Cloe for a wife. "Cloe, Massa, was seventy-five, if she was one blessed second old.

Would that I had had this proof of their participation before they quitted the schooner. Very well, Sambo, no blame can attach to you go to sleep, my good fellow, but not beyond the time I have given you." "Tankee, Massa Geral, "and drawing the collar of his pea jacket close under his ears, the negro again extended himself at his length upon the arm chest.

W.A. That is true; he might strike me dead, and I ought to expect it; for I have been a wicked wretch, that is true: but God is merciful, and does not deal with us as we deserve. Wife. But then do not you tell God tankee for that too? W.A. No, Indeed; I have not thanked God for his mercy, any more than I have feared God for his power. Wife.

What you say to him for that? You no tell him tankee for all that too! W.A. I am an unthankful, ungrateful dog, that is true. Wife. Why he no makee you much good better? You say he makee you. W.A.. He made me as he made all the world; 'tis I have deformed myself, and abused his goodness, and have made myself an abominable wretch. Wife.

Would that I had had this proof of their participation before they quitted the schooner. Very well, Sambo, no blame can attach to you go to sleep, my good fellow, but not beyond the time I have given you." "Tankee, Massa Geral, "and drawing the collar of his pea jacket close under his ears, the negro again extended himself at his length upon the arm chest.