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My tastes bring a smile to his lips; he wonders by what whimsy I prefer wood that is worm-eaten chirouna, as he calls it to sound wood which burns so much better. I have my views on the subject; and the worthy man submits to them. And now to us two, O my fine oak-trunk seamed with scars, gashed with wounds whence trickle the brown drops smelling of the tan-yard.

During the fall of 1848, Warner, Ord, and I, camped on the bank of the American River, abreast of the fort, at what was known as the "Old Tan-Yard."

I would not be bothered with anything of the kind. There's the mill of Rosanna there, beyond, was the plague of my life, till it stopped; and I was glad to have fairly done with it. Them that come after me may set it a-going again, and welcome. I have enough just to serve my time, and am content any way." "But, if you could get a fair rent for the tan-yard, would you let it?" said John.

"It tells well in the tan-yard. People would be slow to trust a clerk who looked a mere boy. Still, your father trusts me." "He does, indeed. You need never have any doubt of that. It was only yesterday he said to me that now he was no longer dissatisfied with your working at all sorts of studies, in leisure hours, since it made you none the worse man of business."

McPhersons troops were brought forward rapidly to Chattanooga, partly by rail and partly by marching. On the 4th of May, Thomas was in person at Ringgold, his left at Catoosa, and his right at Leet's Tan-yard. Schofield was at Red Clay, closing upon Thomas's left; and McPherson was moving rapidly into Chattanooga, and out toward Gordon's Mill.

Come now what do you say to that?" "It's a quarter of a mile from here to Willis's," said Joseph, "and it ain't five score yards from theer to the Tan-yard. Theer's some," he added, with an almost philosophic air, "as knows when they are well off." "I'll give you an extra penny," said his lordship, condescending to bargain. "I'll do it for a extry sixpince," replied Joseph.

"Yes, I believe I have; nobody minds it at Norton Bury; it is only the sudden thaw, my father says, and he ought to know, for he has had plenty of experience, the tan-yard being so close to the river." "I was thinking of that; but come, it's getting cold." He took me safe home, and we parted cordially nay, affectionately at my own door. "When will you come again, David?"

'Twar a good thing ez we-uns happened ter kem by hyar on our way from the tan-yard way down yander in the valley whar we-uns hev been ter git paid up fur workin' thar some. We'll let ye out. Who done yer this hyar trick?" "Dunno witches, I reckon!" cried poor Jim, bursting into tears.

The Mythe was a little hill on the outskirts of the town, breezy and fresh, where Squire Brithwood had built himself a fine house ten years ago. "Ay, that will do; and as we go, you will see the floods out a wonderful sight, isn't it? The river is rising still, I hear; at the tan-yard they are busy making a dam against it. How high are the floods here, generally, Phineas?"

I cried, recurring to a thought which would often come when I looked at the lad, though he always combated it so strongly, that I often owned my prejudices were unjust: "how I wish you were something better than a clerk in a tan-yard. I have a plan, John." But what that plan was, was fated to remain unrevealed. Jael came to us in the garden, looking very serious.