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Either they like the man, and then a' goes fine; or else they just detest him, and ye may spare your breath ye can do naething. There's just the two sets of them them that would sell their coats for ye, and them that never look the road ye're on. That's a' that there is to women; and you seem to be such a gomeral that ye cannae tell the tane frae the tither."

What is the tane but a waefu' bunch o' cauldrife professors and ministers, that sate bien and warm when the persecuted remnant were warstling wi' hunger, and cauld, and fear of death, and danger of fire and sword upon wet brae-sides, peat-haggs, and flow-mosses, and that now creep out of their holes, like bluebottle flees in a blink of sunshine, to take the pu'pits and places of better folk of them that witnessed, and testified, and fought, and endured pit, prison-house, and transportation beyond seas?

The corbie craws came a' an' sat down round about him, an' they poukit their black sooty wings, an' spread them out to the breeze to cool; and Robin heard ae corbie speaking, an' another answering him; and the tane said to the tither: "Where will the ravens find a prey the night?" "On the lean crazy souls o' Auchtermuchty," quo the tither.

"But o' a' the airts, An' o' a' the pairts, In herts, Whan the tane to the tither says na, An' the north win' begins to blaw." "What a terrible song, Donal!" said Ginevra. He made no reply, but went on, leading her down into the pit: he had been afraid she was going to draw back, and sang the first words her words suggested, knowing she would not interrupt him.

Tupia evinced great firmness, struggling to conceal his tears, and, climbing to the masthead, made signals until he was carried out of sight of the friends he was destined never again to see. As they sailed along he frequently prayed to his god Tane for a favourable breeze, but it was observed that he never commenced his orisons until he saw the signs of the coming gale.

Tané, the Huahine god, was a brother of Oro, and his equal, but there were islands which disputed this equality, and shed blood to disprove it, as the sects of Christianity have since the peaceful Jesus died by the demands of the priests of his nation. Haui was the Tahitian Hercules. Of course he, too, bade the sun to stay a while unmoving, and it did.

See, my leddy, what it is to hae sic schoolin', wi' music an' a'! The proportions that's the relation o' the notes to ane anither; an' fugue that comes frae fugere to flee 'fled and pursued transverse the resonant fugue the tane rinnin' efter the tither, roon' an' roon'. Ay, I hae't noo! Resonant that's echoing or resounding. But what's instinct my leddy? It maun be an adjective, I'm thinkin'."

The tane fell wi' sword in hand, fighting for a broken national Covenant; the tother, oh, they took him and shot him dead on the green before his mother's face! My auld een dazzled when the shots were looten off, and, to my thought, they waxed weaker and weaker ever since that weary day; and sorrow, and heart-break, and tears that would not be dried, might help on the disorder.

"He was indeed," said the stranger, with a faltering voice, "an admirable man, that is, I have heard that he was so. So the ladies were left without fortune, as well as without a protector?" "They will neither want the tane nor the tother while Lord Evandale lives," said Jenny; "he has been a true friend in their griefs.

NICHOLS' PROGRESSES OF K. JAMES I., VOL.III. p.306. "The 2 of Octr: Allaster MacGregor of Glenstrae tane be the laird Arkynles, bot escapit againe; bot after taken be the Earle of Argyll the 4 of Januarii, and brought to Edr: the 9 of Januar: 1604, wt: 18 mae of hes friendes MacGregors.