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Well, whin I first knew O'Leary he wurruked down on a railroad section tampin' th' thrack at wan-fifty a day. He was a sthrong, willin' young fellow, with a stiff right-hand punch an' a schamin' brain, an' anny wan cud see that he was intinded to go to th' fr-ront. Th' aristocracy iv th' camp was Mrs. Cassidy, th' widdy lady that kept th' boordin'-house.

No, my Coast friends, I have NOT forgotten but though you did not mean it helpfully, this was one of the best hints you ever gave me. Another good way is the careful study of examples which display the highest style and the most correct diction; so I append the letter given by Mr. Hutchinson as being about the best bit of trade English I know. "To Daddy nah Tampin Office,

"One touch of nature," etc. "Daddy" is not a term of low familiarity but one of esteem and respect, and the "Tampin Office" is a respectful appellation for the Office of the "New Era" in which this letter was once published. "Bwoy head big too much," means that the young man is swelled with conceit because he is connected with "Militie ban."

Ha Daddy, do, yah, nah beg you tell dem people for me; make dem Sally-own pussin know. Do yah. Berrah well. Ah lib nah Pademba Road one bwoy lib dah oberside lakah dem two Docter lib overside you Tampin office. Berrah well. Dah bwoy head big too much he say nah Militie Ban he got one long long ting so so brass, someting lib dah go flip flap, dem call am key. Berrah well. Had!