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"It says we are going to have war with the United States and I don't believe it." "Of course you don't," replied Billie. "Neither does any one else." "Let me see," said Pedro sternly. Slowly the girl handed her brother the paper. He opened it and read. "A party of American marines was arrested in Tampico yesterday for landing on Mexican soil with arms in their hands.

Commodore Dallas's pennant was flying in the Constellation when I joined her. A short time afterwards, the ship sailed for the West Indies. As there was nothing material occurred in the cruise, it is unnecessary to relate things in the order in which they took place. The ship went to Havana, Trinidad, Curacoa, Laguayra, Santa Cruz, Vera Cruz, Campeachy, Tampico, Key West, &c.

I am told that the Constitutionalists cheered the American flag when they entered Tampico. I believe that Mexico City will be much quieter and a much safer place to live in after the Constitutionalists get there than it is now. The men who are approaching and are sure to reach it are much less savage and much more capable of government than Huerta.

After a few moments he continued: "Yesterday, at Tampico, an officer and boatcrew of men went ashore in a launch from the 'dolplin. The boat flew the United States Flag, and the officer and men landed to attend to the purchase of supplies. An officer of General Huerta's Federal Army arrested our officer and his men.

In the spring of 1914 the Dresden was on the Caribbean station, and was lying off Tampico when the American forces captured Vera Cruz. Later on in the summer the Dresden was the vessel on which Victoriano Huerta, upon abandoning Mexico, traveled from Puerta to Jamaica.

Faco Tampico had managed to tie a bundle of chaparral thorn to the bull's tail, so that the huge creature had literally lashed himself into a frenzy. Jack's hogshead meanwhile had been rolled around till he was raging with disgust, and Faco, at the word of command, began to pry open the door.

Van Vleck shrugged her shoulders expressively and raised her eyebrows. "Well," said the girl, "he'll be eminently eligible for the Captain's table of the Tampico. Somehow I wish he had done something unusual to-night. I had developed all sorts of strange fancies concerning him." Now, as a matter of fact, she did not wish that at all.

"Why, you know more about the structural strength of this boat than I do. To be honest, I never liked your bulkheads, else I would have opened a stop-cock and flooded the hold long ago. Still, what water would burst through, fire might not." Horace Howland, who had paid his own price for the Tampico, and who by the same token had his own opinion of her, said nothing.

"First order, screw pile, about a hundred and twenty feet high, stuck on a coral reef at the mouth of the harbor. 'Bout like our Fowey Rocks, off the Florida coast. She's backing in." His eyes were still on the Tampico, the floes of North River ice hemming her in on all sides. "Passengers'll be off in an hour. Wonder how they like our climate little chilly for pajamas."

We say it with pride, and we confirm it by an appeal to your bishops and the curates of Tampico, Tuzpan, Matamoros, Monterey, Vera Cruz, and Jalapa; to all clergy, civil authorities, and inhabitants of all places we have occupied. We adore the same God, and a large portion of our army, as well as of the people of the United States, are Catholics, like yourselves.