United States or Saint Pierre and Miquelon ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The talking man and the others made polite orations, one of them likening Louis to Jesus Christ, at which Talolo manifested sighs of acute embarrassment. We were then offered a little refreshment before dinner. The king, who was a Catholic, crossed himself and said grace.

He told me that in case of lockjaw, if these chewed leaves are forced up the nostrils, first the jaw, then the muscles, will soon relax and the cure is accomplished. For some reason he seems unwilling to point out the tree to me.... Talolo affords us much amusement with his naïve ideas.

Louis could not speak successfully through Talolo, as he had more to say than 'much surprised, so we then took our departure. We returned by moonlight, all ardent admirers of Mataafa. About a week later Louis went again, this time with an interpreter named Charley Taylor, and had a more satisfactory interview.

The young man told me, as a trade secret, that if cauliflowers get an occasional watering of sea water they will head up in any climate. I have also secured an East Indian cook named Abdul. "September 23. At home again. I find that Lloyd and the Strongs have been teaching a native boy named Talolo to cook, with the best results, so my fine Indian cook is a fifth wheel. However, Mr.

I said to him, 'It seems to me that you Samoans do not feel badly about anything very long. 'Yes, we do, said Talolo, seeming much hurt by the accusation. 'When a man's wife runs away he feels badly for two or three days. Mrs. Stevenson cured this boy, Mitaele, of elephantiasis by Dr. "July 3, 1893. Nothing is talked of or thought of but the impending war.

I felt sorry to see the last of him, for with all his mistakes his heart was in the right place. Much more distressing is it that our dear Simile is gone. He wept very much in leaving, saying that 'his poor old family' needed him. I was told afterwards that he had in reality eloped with a young lady, which may be the truth of the matter. Talolo, our new cook, amuses me very much.

Louis tried in vain to get an interpreter, but was fain to put up with Talolo, who nearly expired with fright and misery, for he could not speak the high chief language and felt that every word he uttered was an insult to Mataafa. We have been in the habit of referring to the king as 'Charley over the water, and toasting him by waving our glasses over the water bottle.

What was her astonishment to see smoke coming out of the cookhouse chimney, Talolo at the door, and Iopu, the yard man, coming up with a pail of water all the business of the place, in fact, going on like clockwork, just as though they had never been absent for a day!

A number of canoes were to be seen coming round the point at the mouth of the harbor, and as they came nearer we could hear the oarsmen singing and could distinguish our names. They were bringing so they sang the fish to Tamaitai Aolele they had been out all night gathering turtles for Tamaitai Teuila. "Later in the day there was a grand talolo, or ceremony of gift giving.

Talolo had some vague notion of what this meant and now thought it a good time to do the same. To our great amusement, he took his glass, waved it in the air, and cried 'Charley in the water! which we felt to be a rather ominous toast. The kava bowl was in the centre of the group, with the king's talking men beside it.