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While wandering about the banks of these gold-besprinkled streams, looking at the plants and mines and miners, I was so fortunate as to meet an interesting French Canadian, an old coureur de bois, who after a few minutes' conversation invited me to accompany him to his gold-mine on the head of Defot Creek, near the summit of a smooth, grassy mountain-ridge which he assured me commanded extensive views of the region at the heads of Stickeen, Taku, Yukon, and Mackenzie tributaries.

The next day messengers from the Taku camp gave notice to the Stickeens that they must make atonement for that blow, or fight with guns. Mr. Young, of course, was eager to stop the quarrel and so was Toyatte. They advised the Stickeen who had struck the Taku to return to their camp and submit to an equal blow in the face from the Taku.

If you had failed back there at Taku, I should have taken the message from the office and mailed it, unopened, back to Washington. You have made good, so you get it yourself." "They never put me to such a test before," grumbled Ned. The officer turned, gave a short order to his men, and passed his machine over to one of them. "I am going into the city with Mr.

A few, however, of these foaming, roaring streams the Alsek, Chilcat, Chilcoot, Taku, Stickeen, and perhaps others head beyond the range with some of the southwest branches of the Mackenzie and Yukon.

The stranded bergs on the moraine bar at the mouth of Sum Dum Bay looked just as they did when I first saw them ten years ago. Before reaching Juneau, the Queen proceeded up the Taku Inlet that the passengers might see the fine glacier at its head, and ventured to within half a mile of the berg-discharging front, which is about three quarters of a mile wide.

Terence had brought word for the Empress to proceed to the mouth of the Peiho in the Gulf of Pe-chili, as it had been resolved at once to recapture the Taku Forts and to march the army to Pekin, should the emperor not immediately yield to the demands of the British ambassador. The summer had begun and the weather was remarkably fine.

She sprang to her feet and talked then! and the flying words chased one another from her lips; and these things told she to Taku: She had hidden among the broken lava and watched the little captain come back to the boat and bid us farewell.

Work is what he desires above all things, and he will work at anything for anybody. During the taking of the Taku forts he carried scaling ladders at the heads of the storming columns and planted them against the walls. He did this, not from a sense of patriotism, but for the invading foreign devils because they paid him a daily wage of fifty cents. He is not frightened by war.

No one knew the waters of the north better than did he, and Jim Weston's mind was always easy when Glen was with him. In a few minutes The Frontiersman was cutting through the water out into the open. Sconda was at the wheel, with Glen by his side, while Taku, an Indian with special mechanical gifts, looked after the engine. "Which way?"

Young ready to go on with us the next morning, and thus ended two of the brightest and best of all my Alaska days. From Taku River to Taylor Bay I never saw Alaska looking better than it did when we bade farewell to Sum Dum on August 22 and pushed on northward up the coast toward Taku.