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This humble patience in an antechamber would appear even undignified in Comedy, but it appears too pitiful even for a second-rate tragical hero. Antiochus says afterwards to the queen: Je me suis tu cinq ans Madame, et vais encore me taire plus long-tems And to give an immediate proof of his intention by his conduct, he repeats after this no less than fifty verses in a breath.

It was insufferably hot and dull. I wish that Storer would be in humour with them till the Session was over, and say nothing. If then nothing is done, he may begin his grumbling. W. K. and John, I take it for granted, report these things, if they happen to hear of them. He will succeed at last, I do not doubt; in the meantime, le meilleur parti est de se taire.

Chapter ii. 11. C'est vne inciuilité & vne impertinence de dormir, pendant que la cõpagnie s'entretient de discours; de se tenir assis lors que tout le monde est debout, de se promener lors que personne ne branle, & de parler, quãd il est temps de se taire ou d'écouter. Pour celuy toutesfois qui a l'authorité, il y a des temps & des lieux il luy est permis de se promener seul, comme

Look where we will, we shall find among his pages the traces of an inward mystery and the obscure infinities of the heart. Nous avons su toujours nous aimer et nous taire. The line is a summary of the romance and the anguish of two lives. That is all affection; and this all desire J'aimais jusqu'

Margaret, as I have said, imitated Sannazzaro in her Histoire des satyres et nymphes de Diane. The Arcadia was translated in 1544. Du Bellay was familiar with the original and honoured its author with imitation, translation, and even a respectful mention of it in his famous Défense. Elsewhere he asks: Qui fera taire la musette Du pasteur néapolitain?

He asked me all manner of impertinent questions, and, if he fall in with you, may ask you as many; but remember Jaques Coeur's motto, "'En close bouche N'entre mouche "And again, 'Dire, faire, taire." "Ay, ay, father, you may depend on me," said I, heartily. Sometimes, before I went to bed, I stepped out to get a glimpse of the light in Madeleine's window.

"Mon âme a son secret, ma vie a son mystère: Un amour eternel en un moment concu. Le mal est sans espoir, aussi j'ai du le taire Et celle qui l'a fait n'en a jamais rien su." One minor note came and went and came again, through the melody, until the last tones fell on that note and were held suspended in a tremulous plaint.

Then to her daughter, who suddenly felt herself a little compelled creature again, so was she carried into the past by the old woman's soft, Creole slurring: "'Tain', lil' missy, 'tain' like Madame Garnier she aire seeck actual, but jus' she taire, easy like." Madame Garnier! That meant Molly! The illusions were all gone. The girl backed from the couch.

"A close bouche Il n'entre mouche." Another is: "Entendre, taire, Dire, et faire, Est ma joie." I remember a merchant's house, very sumptuous, at Schaffhausen, on which he had written this bitter device "God preserve me from my friends; I will protect myself from my enemies." Another man altogether from Jacques Coeur. The ending of this bright, merry, pomp-loving merchant was sad.

We had on board forty-six passengers, amongst whom were several Frenchmen, who again gave me occasion to remark the loquacity of their nation; and they only agreed with La Fontaine in the former part of the line, where he says, "Il est bon de parler, et meilleur de se taire;" 'Tis good to speak, but better to be silent.