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I lak' to lissen to dat rivaire in de night. She sing from long taim' ago jus' de same song w'en I firs come here. W'at for I go away? W'at I get? W'at you can gif' me lak' dat?" He was still the favourite musician of the county-side, in great request at parties and weddings; but he had extended the sphere of his influence a little.

Bisside, dat leef not taim' for la musique." Midsummer brought a new set of guests to the Retreat, and filled the ramshackle old house to overflowing. The fishing fell off, but there were picnics and camping-parties in abundance, and Jacques was in demand. The ladies liked him; his manners were so pleasant, and they took a great interest in his music.

Fields returned at 10 oClock the Killed 3 Deer, and lost the horses, Cought a Small Beever which is already taim, Several men out hunting the horses without Sukcess, The Ottoes not yet arrived, I complete the Copy of the Courses &c. &c. Musqueters verry troubleson Fields returned to Camp They Killed 3 Deer. The Horses Strayed off last night.

When he spoke at all, it was of something connected with this early time. "Dat was bad taim' when I near keel Bull Corey, hein?" Hose nodded gravely. "Dat was beeg storm, dat night when I come to Bytown. You remember dat?" Yes, Hose remembered it very well. It was a real old-fashioned storm. "Ah, but befo dose taim', dere was wuss taim' dan dat in Canada. Nobody don' know 'bout dat.

Taim in mo shagart. Put beurla on it, littlejohn. Quoth littlejohn Eglinton: I was prepared for paradoxes from what Malachi Mulligan told us but I may as well warn you that if you want to shake my belief that Shakespeare is Hamlet you have a stern task before you. Bear with me. Stephen withstood the bane of miscreant eyes glinting stern under wrinkled brows. A basilisk.

I thought, for all the world, they were carrying me to Newgate, and that there was Jack Ketch coom to vetch me before my taim."

'Wawt taim will you please have the CAGE, sir? says What-d'ye-call'um, in that peculiar, unspellable, inimitable, flunkefied pronunciation which forms one of the chief charms of existence. Best have it to the theatre at night, Gray exclaims; 'it is but a step from here to the Wells, and we can walk there. I've got tickets for all. Be at Sadler's Wells at eleven.

Then Leclere picked up the whip and proceeded almost to cut him to pieces, at each stroke of the lash crying: "Dis taim Ah break you! Eh? By GAR! Ah break you!"

"Ah'll get tire' fraum dat teachin' read, read, read, h'all taim'. Ah'll not lak' dat so moch. Rader be out-door run aroun' paddle de CANOE go wid de boys in de woods mek' dem dance at ma MUSIQUE. A-a-ah! Dat was fon! P'raps you t'ink dat not good, hem? You t'ink Jacques one beeg fool, Ah suppose?"

"Mon pere," he said after a pause, "de taim is not yet. He is one beeg devil. Some taim Ah break heem, so an' so, all to leetle bits. Hey? some taim. A day came when Leclere gathered his dogs together and floated down in a bateau to Forty Mile, and on to the Porcupine, where he took a commission from the P. C. Company, and went exploring for the better part of a year.