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One should next go to the tirtha of Varuna called Taijasa, blazing in effulgence of its own. There in that tirtha is the lord of Yoga, Sthanu himself, having for his vehicle the bull. He that sojourneth there, obtaineth success by worshipping the god of gods.

When unmanifest and lying in the womb of eternal space, it is believed to have an existence. Unmanifest Brahman is frequently represented as anahatah savdah or unstruck sound. These four ways are as enumerated by commentator, Visva, Taijasa, Prajna, Sivadhyana. It may also mean that thou art he called Buddha who preached against all sacrifices.

One should next go to the tirtha of Varuna called Taijasa, blazing in effulgence of its own. There in that tirtha is the lord of Yoga, Sthanu himself, having for his vehicle the bull. He that sojourneth there, obtaineth success by worshipping the god of gods.

That other tirtha, O bull of Bharata's race, where in days of yore Varuna the lord of waters had been installed by the celestials, is known by the name of Taijasa. Having bathed in that tirtha and adored Skanda, Rama gave unto the Brahmanas gold and clothes and ornaments and other things.