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"That's the Tim Tim Tamytam call!" all the wood creatures, said, as they listened. "Tahoo Tahoo Tahoo-hoo-hoo!" And as Tim Tim and Tom Tom listened, they heard away off the answering Tamytam wood-call: "Toowoo-toowoo-tooawoooooo!" sounding like the plaintive notes of the turtle dove but was easily distinguished by any of the woodfolk.

Charley Chipmunk stopped whittling upon a hickory nut and peeped over the limb to see who called. Mrs. Tamytam did not answer, so Tom Tom took a leaf and rolled it into a horn. Across the small end he strung a fibre from a piece of moss and with this elfin horn he blew the Tim Tim Tamytam wood-call: "Tahoo Tahoo Tahoo-hoo-hoo!"

And certainly a deathless name, at the price of an empty bottle or a head of tobacco, is a bargain that even a Yankee would not scorn. We passed Tahoo in the night, and are now running along a more beautiful country. The land is high and woody, unlike the flat and marshy tracts that skirt the shores to windward. These are the Highlands of Drewin.

So upon soft summer evenings, should you pass near the woodland glade, you may hear the "Tahoo Tahoo Tahoo-hoo-hoo!" and the answering notes of plaintive melody, "Toowoo-toowoo Tooawoooooo!" For the tiny creatures have adopted the Tamytam call as the call to the evening parties.

We have now fifteen cases of fever, most of them mild in character. The prospect of sickness will cut short our leeward cruise. Off Tahoo. The natives have come on board, with fowls, ivory, and monkey-skins, to "make trade." Tobacco is the article chiefly sought for in exchange.

The Tahoo and Blackfeet indians inhabit these parts, they are a very jealous class of indians. owing to the great number of half-breeds. the half breed indian is the smartest, most troublesome of all indians. they ordered us off their grounds but I had been ordered off hunting and trapping grounds so many times by indians that I payed no more attention to their threats than I did to mosquito bites.