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The leaves are an ingredient in the pulvis sternutatoris of the shops. ASPIDIUM Filix-Mas. Polypodium, Linn. MALE FERN. The Roots. L. E. D. They are said to be aperient and anthelmintic. Simon Pauli tells us, that they have been the grand secret of some empirics against the broad kind of worms called taenia; and that the dose is one, two, or three drams of the powder.

They have not learned that error is got out of the minds that cherish it, as the taenia is removed from the body, one joint, or a few joints at a time, for the most part, rarely the whole evil at once.

Proceedings began with the "mata-bicho" de rigueur, the inevitable preliminary and conclusion of all life-business between birth and burial. Similarly the Fulas of the Windward coast, who as strict Moslem will not drink fermented liquors, hold a cup of rum to be the sovereignest thing in the world for taenia.

Taenia expansa Sheep and ox Intestine Taenia fimbriata Sheep Liver Taenia denticulata Cattle Intestine Taenia alba Cattle Intestine Taenia perfoliata Solipeds Intestine Taenia mamillana Solipeds Intestine Taenia echinococcus Dog Intestine Name Host

Starting from this eminently characteristic fact the RIGHT OF INCREASE we shall pursue the old serpent through his coils; we shall count the murderous entwinings of this frightful taenia, whose head, with its thousand suckers, is always hidden from the sword of its most violent enemies, though abandoning to them immense fragments of its body.

"It is four o'clock," said Bixiou, "let us go back to the rue de Berlin." "Yes; you've now seen the heart of the government, cousin, and you must next be shown the ascarides, the taenia, the intestinal worm, the republican, since I must needs name him," said Leon.

Its heavy leaves were half open; they passed through, and it closed behind them. At first they followed the foot of the ramparts for a time, and at the height of the cisterns they took their way along the Taenia, a narrow strip of yellow earth separating the gulf from the lake and extending as far as Rhades. No one was to be seen around Carthage, whether on the sea or in the country.

They have not learned that error is got out of the minds that cherish it, as the taenia is removed from the body, one joint, or a few joints at a time, for the most part, rarely the whole evil at once.

The peculiar effects of a tapeworm are exaggerated appetite and thirst, nausea, headaches, vertigo, ocular symptoms, cardiac palpitation, and Mursinna has even observed a case of trismus, or lockjaw, due to taenia solium. Fereol speaks of a case of vertigo, accompanied with epileptic convulsions, which was caused by teniae. On the administration of kousso three heads were expelled simultaneously.

One evening when it was dark he embarked the best of his soldiers on lighters and planks, and turning to the right of the harbour, disembarked on the Taenia. Then he advanced to the first lines of the Barbarians, and taking them in flank, made a great slaughter.