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"I've been thinking that for some time, Barney," replied Martin; "but you have your compass, and we can surely make the coast by dead reckoning eh?" "True, lad, we can; but it'll cost us a dale o' tackin' to make up for lee-way. Ah, good luck to ye! here's a friend 'll help us."

"Lord, no; jest to blandander ye inter tackin' ship. He most persuaded Mr. Trunnell, an' wid ye too, 'twould ha' been no mutiny to override the new skipper, an' land th' other in th' caboose." Much as I would have liked to get ashore again, I knew there was no immediate prospect of it. The skipper would not hear of any such thing.

They wanted his mind to be utterly free from care, so that he could give his full attention to tackin' up a Diamond Dot record that would arouse the envy of the entire West, an' Flappy was in fine shape to do it. We all started out to find Dick, whether he was still hidin' around the ranch or had started to hike; but it was Barbie herself who found him.

"That is a woman's idee," sez he, "rip up a breadth of carpet every time you want a little air, keep a man down on his knee jints the hull of the time tackin' down carpets and ontackin' 'em. Nothin' ever made a woman so happy as to see a man down on his marrer bones tackin' down a carpet, unless it is seein' him takin' it up and luggin' it outdoors, histin' it up on a line and beatin' it.

All you've got to do now is to turn her around, with her nose pointin' yonder," -he waved a hand toward the distant Sanibel Islands that stretch along the coast south of Charlotte Harbor, "and take 'vantage of every puff of wind that you can use for tackin'. Understand?"

For the Lord's sake keep a-lookin', boys." "That nigh hoss is deef. There don't seem to be no use saying WHOA to her." "Them brakes don't hold fer sour peanuts. I been figgerin' on tackin' on a new shoe for a week." "I never was over this road but onct, and then I was headed th' other way. I was driving of a corpse."

Barnes is really interested in her, we can't find it out by blundering; if he is not interested, we can't afford to drag him into it. It will require tact " "Thunderation, don't you suppose I know that?" exploded Anderson. "Detectives are allers tackin'. They got to, y' see, ef they're goin' to foller half a dozen clews at oncet. Gee whiz, Wick, leave this thing to me!

"If yer leddyship will be tackin' a seat in the machine," he hazarded, "it'll maybe save ye the trail up the brae." Lady Ruth accepted the suggestion with great content. She was getting very tired, and was finding the walk more exhausting than she had bargained for. She lost no time in climbing up beside Angus, and the fat pony was induced to continue its reluctant progress.

An' we was a mortal hour tryin' to find out what was the matter with that infernal chimbly, and tackin' bits o' tin an' baggin' acrost the top of the fire-place under the mantelshelf to try an' stop it from smokin', an' all the while the gals set there with the water runnin' out of their eyes.

"I've been thinking that for some time, Barney," replied Martin; "but you have your compass, and we can surely make the coast by dead reckoning eh?" "True, lad, we can; but it'll cost us a dale o' tackin' to make up for lee-way. Ah, good luck to ye! here's a friend'll help us."