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Moneylenders had charged usurious interest for default, and debtors were crying for novae tabulae, and hoped to clear themselves by bankruptcy. Caesar had but small leisure for such matters. Pompey had been allowed too long a respite, and unless he sought Pompey in Greece, Pompey would be seeking him at home, and the horrid scenes of Sylla's wars would be enacted over again.

But we award him the prize all the same, because we don't consider Captain Hocken's ploughin' to be any ploughin' at all." Solvuntur risu tabulae They can laugh, too, at Troy!

The success attending them was diligently set forth on every wall of the temple; where the tabulae votivae recorded the names of those who had been healed, the nature of their maladies, and the cure which the god prescribed.

The civil powers herein acting directly contrary to the nature and perverting the very ends of the magistrate's office, which is to be custos et vindex utriusque tabulae; the minister of God, a revenger, to execute wrath on him that doeth evil.

As his tables did not rap, he had nothing to do with the spiritus percutiens, who proves, however, that the Church was acquainted with raps, and explained them by the spiritualistic hypothesis. A text in Tertullian's Apologetic was also cited. Here tabulae and capae, 'tables and she-goats, are said to divine. What have she- goats to do in the matter?

These excellent persons are hardly fitted by habit and feeling to be judges of the probable course of Divine Providence, or the development of new religious energies and spiritual tendencies in a suddenly impoverished body. What they can foresee, and what we can foresee also is, that these tabulae novae will be a great blow to the Church. They mean that, and that we understand.

Max Muller say if he read the words of Professor Enrico Morselli, 'Lang gives no quarter to his adversaries, who, for the rest, have long been reduced to silence'? The Right Hon. Professor also smiles, no doubt. We both smile. Solvuntur risu tabulae. A Dutch Defender

HONEYCOMB CORALS consist of masses of small, close-set prismatic cells, each crossed by horizontal partitions, or TABULAE, while the septa are rudimentary, being represented by faintly projecting ridges or rows of spines. CHAIN CORALS are also marked by tabulae. Their cells form elliptical tubes, touching each other at the edges, and appearing in cross section like the links of a chain.

De Morgan wished to read tabulae et crepae, which he construes 'tables and raps, but he only finds crepae in Festus, who says, that goats are called crepae, quod cruribus crepent, 'because they rattle with their legs'. De Morgan's guess is ingenious, but lacks confirmation. We are not, so far, aware of communication with spirits by raps before 856 A.D.

Solvuntur risu tabulae. An epigram abolished slavery in the United States. Large wisdom, stated in fine wit, was the decision. "Negroes are contraband of war." "They are property," claim the owners. Very well! As General Butler takes contraband horses used in transport of munitions of war, so he takes contraband black creatures who tote the powder to the carts and flagellate the steeds.