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I shouldn't have dared do that before your cheering advice in Washington. We have but a moment more, and I shall give you in tabloid form my adventures to date." It was the Isabel of the Washington dinner party who listened. She was deeply interested and amused, and at times he had the satisfaction of reading in her face what he hopefully interpreted as solicitude for his safety.

Foist he'd sing one voise an' then she'd sing the nex'. He was dressed like a soldier, an' while he sang they was showin' tabloids o' what the goil was a-doin' behind him; an' then when she sang her voise he'd be in the tabloid, an' when it got ter the last voise, an' he was dyin' on a stretcher in a ambulance, everybody in the house was a-cryin' so yer could hardly hear her. It was great!

"Can't have you knocking yourself up, you know; and we've got to make an early start to-morrow to avoid the worst heat of the day for the patient. Also, you will take a small tabloid to make you 'buck up, if you know what that means, Norah!" Norah grinned. "Ah, well, Mr.

Covington do the turtle-dove act while I drag out a tabloid existence in a two by twice hall bedroom, and stay tied down to my desk all day. Where does the fun come in?" The girl looked at him in complete surprise. "What in the world " she began. "Oh, I mean it every word!" he insisted. Now that he had plunged in there was no retreating. "I say, are you going to marry him?"

It took the form of a route march to a place six miles away, where the whole Division being assembled as at sports, various demonstrations were made, including the firing of projectors tabloid gas training. Nothing more exciting happened. The Bosche offensive was over, and entraining at Aire on 7th May we were taken to Maroeuil and marched to Hills Camp in the back area behind Vimy ridge.

James listened attentively to this tabloid tragedy, but made no comment. 'Anysing vrom dze fillage, sare? Adolf's voice was meaning. James produced a half-crown. 'Here you are, then. Get me half a dozen stamps and keep the change. 'Zdamps? Yes, sare. At vunce. James's last impression of the departing one was of a vast and greasy grin, stretching most of the way across his face.

Apart from the appearance of 'R.E.1, perhaps the most notable development towards the end of 1913 was the appearance of the Sopwith 'Tabloid 'tractor biplane.

For instance, the aphorism "Know thyself" rose to popularity when cultured minds turned towards science. In the period to which this recital belongs the adage "Blood tells" enjoyed universal acceptance. It was, in fact, that erroneous statement "The King can do no wrong" done up into tabloid form. From it, too, sprang that double-worded maxim of the days of chivalry, "Noblesse oblige."

For if I did I should withhold forever the birth of this love of yours which is all I seek this love I am trying to breathe into life.... Enough!" He did not mention the subject again. For hours eating what meager stock of tabloid food with which their vehicle was provisioned they flew onward. Rising now to top the line of jagged mountains. Over them the platform swept.