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Entman had the evidence before his eyes but he still couldn't get the concept of alien creatures from space really taking us over. It was too unbelievable. Am I the only one who really believes it? He asked himself this question as he hailed a cab in the street and watched a fat man in a bowler hat slip in and take it away from him. "You're slipping, Taber," he muttered.

"Well, don't just stand there, Doctor. You've got a murder to report. Get with it." As Corson turned helplessly toward the door, King grinned faintly. "Me, I'm just a free-lance photographer trying to make an honest buck." Brent Taber stared icily down at Frank Corson and Les King. They looked up at him sullenly, looming over them as he did, from the position of authority.

He couldn't know for sure that we already had his 'brothers." "You're right you must be," Entman agreed. "Small consolation. I'd like a few facts to go on for a change instead of having to depend on logic all the time," Taber growled. "What are you referring to?" "The data. I'm assuming, if that's what's important, that the tenth creature has a way of getting the stuff back up there."

John Cox, Jr., Librarian of the Yearly Meeting of Friends, says "the records do not show in any direct way where the members came from. A few came from Long Island meetings by way of Purchase, but most of them from the East, and I believe from Massachusetts. The Akin, Taber, Briggs families came from Dartmouth, which was in a region of both temporary and permanent Quaker settlement.

"I like the way you reach out for arguments against your own theory, but you reached too far for that one. If they'd done that, who would find the androids and do the research work?" Brent Taber brightened. "You comfort me, Doctor. That little thread got lost in my maze. They wanted the creatures to be found. They didn't expect to fool us.

NOES. Messrs. Adams, Archer, Axtell, Barnes, Barnum, Beck, Boyer, Brooks, Burr, Cary, Chanler, Eldridge, Fox, Getz, Glossbrenner, Golladay, Grover, Haight, Holman, Hotchkiss, Richard D. Hubbard, Humprhey, Johnson, Jones, Kerr, Knott, Marshall, McCormick, McCullough, Morgan, Morrissey, Mungen, Niblack, Nicholson, Phelps, Pruyn, Randall, Ross, Sitgreaves, Stewart, Stone, Taber, Lawrence S. Trimble, Van Aukern, Van Trump, Wood, and Woodward 47.

If the three didn't spot the android, he planned to wait for closer contact and put the sixth slug into the forehead. The android shuddered. The fire and frenzy went out of him. He tried to lift a leg and was surprised when it didn't move. He looked down at it. Completely bemused, he peered down at his crimson chest. He looked up at Taber without anger, only with surprise.

"Were you at school there?" "Yes, for five years, before I went to Dartmoor." "Oh, were you at Dartmoor? I had a cousin there a year or two ago. But he's out now. His name was Taber." "What! Not Billy Taber?" "That's right." "This is very strange, Circe." "Yes, boy-scout. Round to the left here. That's right. Only three more miles. This is Dilberry Farm." "Dilberry! Why, that's "

A distinct expression of wistful regret crossed his face as he sank to the ground. The tenth android was dead. The patrolman came shakily to his feet. His face was as pale as death. "I I don't know what happened. Buck fever. Pure buck fever, and I've been on the force for ten years." "Don't worry about it," Taber said. "Don't worry.

Says Miss Taber: "In fact, turnpikes seemed to be a fad in those days all over the state and probably a necessary one. The longest one I learn of in this part of the country was from Cold Spring on the Hudson River to New Milford in Connecticut.