United States or Norfolk Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Then there are the newspaper syndicates, and the newspaper short-story syndicates, and the syndicates for the Sunday supplements. I can go ahead and hammer out the stuff they want, and earn the equivalent of a good salary by it. There are free-lances, you know, who earn as much as four or five hundred a month.

Syndicates and boards breathe more freely when the barriers of nose are broken down, and a good mediocrity of feature may yet avert a war or preserve a treaty. At all events, a study of our chief contemporaries will bear out a considerable portion of this reasoning.

Sherman refunded 845 millions of the public debt at a lower rate of interest, showing in his negotiations with bankers a remarkable combination of business and political ability. Cool, watchful, and confident, he grasped the point of view of New York and London financial syndicates, and to that interested and somewhat narrow vision he joined the intelligence and foresight of a statesman.

They introduce bills to induce the franchise holding syndicates to put up money to kill them, and business is at its best when two or three street railroad bosses can be led into bidding against each other for the passage or defeat of some measure. The St. Louis house of delegates is as fine a gang of rapacious ruffians as ever invited mob law in an American city. Politics in St.

What did you learn in Boston and New York?" "That a little of everything is represented in the Senate, that is about what it amounts to. There are unquestionably men there who bought their seats from legislatures, and there are men who are agents for trusts, syndicates, and railroad corporations, as well as three party bosses " "Ninety Senators leave a large margin for a number of loose fish.

Then he sent the Kaffir boys to the mess to bring all the officers and all the champagne and they did not go to bed at all. The next day cables, still at three shillings a word came from papers and magazines and publishers, managers, syndicates.

And this spreading usurpation of the world was so dexterously performed a proteus hundreds of banks, companies, syndicates, masked the Council's operations that it was already far advanced before common men suspected the tyranny that had come. The Council never hesitated, never faltered.

Give us an honest legislature to make such laws, and an executive strong enough to enforce 'em, and the sovereign State will stand out glorious and triumphant as a monument against oppression. "When that time comes and it's a-coming, my friends the corporations and the syndicates will read the handwriting on the wall; don't you be afraid of that.

He acknowledged the toast and proposed the Railway's prosperity. He grew rather florid to my thinking, about the benefit to the District how Kaffir gardens were to be displaced by up-to-date farming, how tourists were to pour in athirst to explore its ruins. He discoursed of the blessedness of ranching, and of chrome and asbestos syndicates.

I could name you half a dozen trust companies in New York that are simply syndicates of insurance people for the working of that little game." The Major paused. "You see it?" he asked. "Yes, I see," Montague replied. "Is there a trust company by any chance back of this railroad you are talking of?" "There is," said Montague; and the Major shrugged his shoulders. "There you have it," he said.