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As the infection is virulent and causes serious destruction of the affected parts, so does evidence of malaise and finally distress appear. Detailed discussions of symptomatology in similar conditions have heretofore been given, and further repetition is unnecessary. Treatment. The same general plan of treatment which is employed for handling open joint is put in practice in these cases.

Walters reports a case of carpometacarpal luxation in a pony wherein reduction was spontaneous and an uneventful recovery followed. His reason for reporting the case, as he states, is its rarity. Symptomatology. Fractures of the carpal bones as they usually take place are diagnosed without difficulty. Because of their usually being comminuted, abnormal movement of the joint is possible.

Such cases are frequently observed in young horses that are driven over rough roads, particularly when so nearly exhausted or weakened from disease or inanition that the feet are dragged forward rather than picked up and advanced in the normal manner. Symptomatology. Wounds inflicted by striking the extremities in this manner present various appearances and occasion dissimilar manifestations.

If he accidentally strikes upon a predestined region, such as breast, nipple or genitals, it naturally has the preference. A quite analogous tendency to displacement is again found in the symptomatology of hysteria.

No special pathological condition characterizes sesamoiditis but this condition causes incurable lameness when the sesamoid bones are much inflamed. Symptomatology. In acute inflammation, there exist all the symptoms which portray any arthritic inflammation of like character.

Etiology. Symptomatology. If sufficient collateral circulation exists to supply the parts with blood, no inconvenience is manifested while the subject is at rest. Where the lumen of the affected vessel is not completely occluded, there may be no manifestation of lameness when the ailing animal is moderately exercised.

A. Barbier reports a case of bilateral luxation of the fetlock joints of the hind legs in a horse. This was done in jumping, and the extensor tendon of each leg was ruptured and the anterior portion of the metatarsus was protruding through the skin. Profuse hemorrhage had taken place due to tearing of the blood vessels. Symptomatology.

The condition is of rather common occurrence in some countries because of the fragile condition of horses' bones. Symptomatology. If the parts can be examined before extravasation of blood and swelling mask the condition, crepitation may be detected. In other instances, it is possible to note a displacement of parts of the sesamoid bones this in horizontal fracture.

In addition to the ordinarily serious nature of the fracture itself, there is always much injury done the adjoining structures. Symptomatology. Mixed lameness and manifestation of severe pain characterize this affection. Considerable swelling which increases, in some cases for a week or more, is to be observed.

The author has observed and treated some twenty cases where an intensely painful infectious inflammation of the triceps brachii was caused by the intramuscular injection of a caustic solution by a cruel and unscrupulous empiric, whose object was to increase his practice. Symptomatology.