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So she tempts her in, saying that the room were all smartened and fine wi' flags; and there was them in the room as told me that they never were so startled as when they saw our Sylvie's face peeping in among all t' flustered maids and men, rough and red wi' weather and drink; and Jem Macbean, he said she were just like a bit o' apple-blossom among peonies; and some man, he didn't know who, went up and spoke to her; an' either at that, or at some o' t' words she heard for they'd got a good way on afore that time she went quite white and mad, as if fire were coming out of her eyes, and then she turned red and left the room, for all t' landlady tried to laugh it off and keep her in.

She looked at it on both sides, drew a little shivering breath, and paused again. "Is it wicked, do you think, to wish it may be only grandma, perhaps? Do you suppose it could possibly be my father?" And by this time there was a hysterical sound in poor little Sylvie's voice. "Wait a minute," said Amy, kindly. "Here's Rod." "OFFICE OF WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., NEW YORK, July 24th, 187-.

"You've gone mad. Come with me. As for you, sir, my marrying or not marrying is none of your business " The minister looked sadly up into the young man's white and rigid face. "God be with you!" He bowed, turned and walked back along the beach, hands locked behind his broad tweed back, his head bent. Pete tightened his grip on Sylvie's arm. "Come," he said to her as harshly as before.

And you, Princesse and you, bella Contessina!" and he courteously bent over Sylvie's little hand and kissed it, "You are all much too good to an old man like me! I am strong again I shall be ready to speak when Angela bids. But I must wait. I must wait!" He ruffled his white hair with one hand and looked at them all very strangely.

In fact, he climbed up into Sylvie's lap as he spoke, and rested his head against her shoulder. "What a many verses it was!" he whispered. The Other Professor regarded him with some anxiety. "The smaller animal ought to go to bed at once," he said with an air of authority. "Why at once?" said the Professor. "Because he can't go at twice," said the Other Professor.

Why will you beautiful ladies keep maids? They are always ready to tell a man everything for twenty or forty francs. So simple! so cheap! Sylvie's maid is my devoted adherent, and why? -not only on account of the francs, but because I have been careful to secure her sweetheart as my valet, and he depends upon me to set him up in business.

If they need to reform, they must reform themselves. We make our own lives what they are." "Dear little philosopher!" said Madame Bozier tenderly, taking Sylvie's small white hand as it hung down from her shoulder and kissing it, "You are very depressed to-day! You must not take things so seriously! If you do not love the Marquis as you once did "

Kneeling he clasped his worn hands, and in all the dizziness and confusion of his brain, raised his eyes for help to the great Cross, bare of all beauty, save for the flowers of Sylvie's strange bridal that lay at its foot.

Vinet had now possessed himself of Sylvie's secrets, and saw the force with which she loved the colonel. He fully understood the struggle of such a passion in the heart of an old maid who was also in the grasp of religious emotion, and he saw his way to rid himself of Pierrette and the colonel both by making each the cause of the other's overthrow.

Sylvie's soft eyes shone upon him, full of the pity and tenderness of some divine angel near God's throne, an angel of sweetness an angel of forgiveness ah! so sweet she was, so childlike, so trusting, so fair, so enticing in those exquisite ways of hers which had pleaded with him, prayed to him, tried to draw him back from evil, and incite him to noble thought; "ways" that would have persuaded him to cleanse his flag of honour from the mud of social vice and folly, and lift it to the heavens white and pure!