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But the widow of Sydney Bamborough made Paul ask her to be his wife, and she promised to give him his answer later.

She's always ready to give me anything if it happens to be the beginning of the month and she's well off. The Pater solemnly presented me with three pounds that's ten shillings a week for smokes for the six weeks of the trip. I'll buy bull's-eyes with it, I think. That'd please him. That makes thirteen pounds, and there's ten pounds waiting for me in Sydney.

MY OWN DARLING, Strengthen yourself for what I am going to say. It will be very hard for you I know that, dear. To-morrow we were to have gone to the High Bailiff; this day week we were to have sailed for Sydney, and two months hence we were to have reached Winter Quarters.

There were races at Sydney one Christmas, and a select band of the Mulligan sportsmen were going down to them. They were in high feather, having just won a lot of money from a young Englishman at pigeon-shooting, by the simple method of slipping blank cartridges into his gun when he wasn't looking, and then backing the bird.

"I think if Libbie can sit down and rest she'll feel better, too. And if you all want to go and hunt for the trail, you needn't worry about us." "Oh, Sydney and I intend to stay," Gilbert Lane assured her quickly. Betty gave him a warning glance, for Libbie looked frightened. Surely something was wrong with the girl! The cabin door was open and the interior was comparatively dry.

Bob grinned appreciatively, and again explored the clouds. "I'm going to see Sydney. May I show her this?" Bob took his father's "H'm" for an assent, and went out to saddle his horse.

'I beg your pardon, Marjorie, but this is of the nature of an unparalleled experience, didn't you hear something then? 'I did, distinctly; it was close to me, within an inch or two of my face. We stared about us, then back at each other, there was nothing else to be seen. Sydney laughed, doubtfully. 'It's uncommonly queer.

When a man is a Member of Parliament and a Queen's Counsel, he occupies a position which his fellow-countrymen are inclined to regard as one of very considerable dignity. Sydney Campion, Q.C., M.P. Thus, after the first report of the proceedings at the police court, Lettice's name scarcely appeared again.

To this end she had sent Sydney to Dr. Morgan's to inquire of him news of the recreant German. And Sydney had not stayed to see the Doctor or Mrs. Morgan! Obedient to the rein, Johnny stopped and looked about with an air of inquiring patronage. His mistress was not given to abrupt changes of intention, but he was willing to humor her when they appeared.

You know I did it for you? Oh, I told her all about it," as Sydney glanced towards the corner where Mrs. Morgan, worn out with grief, was sleeping behind a screen. "I've been a little more hopeful about you lately, since well " He paused, not liking to finish his sentence "since the Baroness came," for it suggested implications too delicate for utterance.