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Better try it," and he winked toward the other "easy" chair. Thure at once profited by the suggestion. "Well, I swun to goodness!" he declared, as he rocked back and forth in the novel chair, "if this doesn't beat mother's easy rocker for comfort. I reckon dad will have to make her one, when we get back home," and he grinned.

But, notwithstanding their accelerated motion, it was not until some three hours after sunset that the two tired boys and the four tired horses reached the old camping-grounds, where there was an abundance of water for themselves and horses and fuel for the camp-fire. "Well, I swun I am tired!"

"Wal, I swun!" and he stared down at the left hand. The little finger had been recently shot away and the wound was still roughly bandaged. "So y'ur th' feller that I owe a finger tew.

Surely not; for there was no need of torch here, and the bottom certainly was not covered with gold nuggets, but with hundreds of pieces of broken rock, some of them as large as two strong men could lift. "Wal, I swun, if it don't look as if we was up ag'in it ag'in," and Ham stared excitedly around. "But, if thar is any cave here, it must be right in thar.

I started out to tell you all about Ben Butler, and and how he come in answer to prayer," said the Bishop solemnly. Bud grinned: "It muster been, 'Now I lay me down to sleep." The Bishop laughed: "Well I'll swun if he ain't sound asleep sho' 'nuff." He laughed again: "Bud, you're gittin' too bright for anything.

"I swun, but I am glad tew see you right now," and quickly shifting Skoonly to his left hand, he extended his right to Fremont. "Ham, Hammer Jones!" and Fremont gripped the extended hand with glad cordiality. "It's like old times to see your face again. But this is no time for idle talk," and his fine face hardened.

"I swun!" said Sampson, roughly, as he counted over the bills which the boy placed in his hands, "I told the skipper, comin' down, that you was a born fool to be layin' out your money in this style. Now, I've been thinkin' on't over all the while I've been hammerin' and sawin', and I can't make out, to save my neck, how you're goin' to get any return from this 'ere investment.