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"Ain't youse swiping no more jools?" "Not me." "Nor usin' de what's-its-name blow-pipe?" "I have sold my oxy-acetylene blow-pipe, given away my anaesthetics, and am going to turn over a new leaf, and settle down as a respectable citizen." Spike gasped. His world had fallen about his ears. His excursion with.

"Don't stop to throw anything this way. Keep right on." "They say Browning was caught swiping turks in his freshman year," said Lewis, "and it cost his old man a round sum to settle and keep the thing quiet, so Bruce wouldn't be expelled. Dad Browning has got money to burn." "Well, his son's a good match for him," Merriwell tossed over his shoulder. "A good match for him!

You work for the equal distribution of property, and start in by swiping all you can and sitting on it. A noble scheme. Me for it. But I am interrupting you." Mr. Renshaw had to pause for a moment to reorganize his ideas. "I think ah, yes. I think it would be best perhaps to wait for a day or two in case Mrs. Oakley should recommend someone.

Jimmie Ben, slashing heavily, regardless of injury to himself or any others, had edged the ball toward the Twentieth left. Taking a short run, Hughie, reckless of consequences, launched himself head first into Jimmie Ben's stomach, swiping viciously at the same time at the ball.

And by these wonderfully brave words Julius hoped to dissipate any notion concerning his alleged timidity that may have lodged in the brains of his chums. So K.K. started up again, and by another minute the old car had passed in among the trees, with the overgrown brush "swiping" against the sides every foot of the way.

But if Jimmie Ben thought by his noisy shouting and furious swiping to strike terror to the heart of the Twentieth captain, he entirely misjudged his man; for without seeking to give him back what he received in kind, Hughie played his game with such skill and pluck, that although he was considerably battered about the shins, he was nevertheless able to prevent Dan from making any of his dangerous rushes.

Gordon sends back small parcels of trade but sends a lot of gold dust to a fellow in Surabaya old capital of Java, y' know. "Evidently Gordon has located a gold-bearing river on the concession and is swiping the dust. Tells Mynheer a lot of lies to quiet him, Houten wants me to ferret out this Surabaya duck, get the hang o' things, then go out after Mister Gordon, chop-chop.

"Now, Tom, we want to be fair, but we have arranged to form a housewives' league for the purpose of swiping systematically. "Great!" shouted Tom, tossing up his cap, that landed on the flaming oil stove. "You should not waste oil," he said, as he rescued the cap. "It's always wise to turn out the stove when you take off the pan."

"Yuh, I guess Now where's the devil and his wife flew away to with my hat? Them guys is always swiping it. Picture, mister? Why, I didn't see it no more 'n Say you, Pink Eye, say you crab-footed usher, did you swipe my hat? Ain't he the cut-up, mister! Ain't both them ushers the jingling sheepsheads, though! Being cute and hiding my hat in the box-office. Picture?

And by these wonderfully brave words Julius hoped to dissipate any notion concerning his alleged timidity that may have lodged in the brains of his chums. So K. K. started up again, and by another minute the old car had passed in among the trees, with the overgrown brush "swiping" against the sides every foot of the way.