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My friends, if I am a liar, the whole world is a liar, and yet any one of you who'll go and proclaim that on the Braunfels will get his skull cracked. Every truth is not to be spoken, and every lie is not to be punished. I have told you that it is better for you to spend your money in seeing my tricks than in swigging schnaps in the chimney corner; and yet, my friends, this may be a lie.

This was a good start to the expedition. Regrettably, before the end of the day, the situation deteriorated. One of the negroes was taken with the most fearful colic, having eaten the plasters in the medicine chest. Another fell, dead drunk, by the wayside, as a result of swigging spirits of camphor.

The insult to Law. The drunken struggle. The prison. The alias. And now the attempt to pretend that nothing had happened when the criminal in question was doubtless swigging from a pocket-flask at this very moment for the courage to support his flagrant impudence in trying to see Nancy again. All this passed through Mrs. Ellicott's mind like a series of colored pictures in a Prohibition brochure.

Cunningham strolled over to Flint, who rose to his feet. "Flint, I want that crimp-house whisky you've been swigging on the sly. No back talk! Hand it over!" "And if I don't?" said Flint, his jaw jutting. Cunningham did not answer immediately. From Flint his glance went roving from man to man, as if trying to read what they expected of him.

Arnold, when the boys in the Sixth Form were weak or brutal, and the blackguard Flashman, in the intervals of swigging brandy-punch with his boon companions, amused himself by toasting fags before the fire. But there was an exceptional kind of boy, upon whom the high- pitched exhortations of Dr. Arnold produced a very different effect.

There was mighty eating and swigging at the banquets, and carousing was carried to an extravagant height, if we may judge by the account of an orgy at the king's palace in 1606, for the delectation of the King and Queen of Denmark, when the company and even their majesties abandoned discretion and sobriety, and "the ladies are seen to roll about in intoxication."

"Friend," he said, "some men have fame thrust upon them, but you have achieved it. To-night you pierced the heel of Achilles. Here's to you!" "I dunno wot 'ee's saying mister, but 'good health'," said Bates, swigging the wine with gusto. "Now, for your master's sake, not a word to a soul about this hubbub." "Right you are, sir! But that there pryin' Robinson wur on t' bridge five minutes since.

At this, Teach, hatless and shoeless, and, says his biographer, "a little flushed with drink" as a man might be who spent most of his waking hours swigging pure rum stumbled up on deck and made a proposal to his bored companions. "I'm a better man than any o' you alive, an' I'll be a better man when we all go below. Here's for proving it!"

"I'm d if I do. Do you think I can't have a bottle of brandy in my room without swigging?" "I think you'll be less likely to swig it if you can't get at it." Sir Roger made another angry turn in his bed as well as his half-paralysed limbs would let him; and then, after a few moments' peace, renewed his threats with increased violence. "Yes; I'll have Fillgrave over here.

Surely, I had fainted away, for, when I came to myself, I found my red comforter loosed, my face all wet, Isaac rubbing down his waistcoat with his sleeve the laddie swigging ale out of a bicker and the brisk brown stout, which, by casting its cork, had caused all the alarm, whizz-whizz, whizzing in the chimney lug. III. The Friends of the People