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Sweeny's soothing syrup; she smoked and she sipped, and she enjoyed her paradise; and whenever a cry of the suffering souls about her 'pierced her ears too keenly my jolly dame seized the poker or the hearth-brush: if the offender was weak, wronged, and sickly, she effectually settled him: if he was strong, lively, and violent, she only menaced, then plunged her hand in her deep pouch, and flung a liberal shower of sugar-plums.

Lyden, turning to his colleague, "I've no more time to waste sitting here talking about old Kit Darcy's fingers and toes! Let the two o' them get arbitrators and settle it out of court. There's nothing between them now only the value of the sheep." "Sure I was satisfied to leave it to arbithration, but Darcy wasn't willin'." This statement was Sweeny's.

Darcy's reply was garnished with a good deal more gesticulation than usual, and throughout his speech the ironic smile on Sweeny's face was a masterpiece of quiet expression.

"We'll have to give his Reverence a sedative, Danny," he said, winking at his colleague. "I'd be sorry to see you that way, Father; the bed's narrow enough for you as it is, without having you beside yourself in it!" Father Sweeny's mood was one to which chaff did not commend itself. He snatched his hand from beneath the Doctor's fingers, and picked up some letters that lay beside him.

Her duty done I felt that in her eyes this business was a duty she rose, noiseless as a shadow: she moved towards her own chamber; at the door, she turned, fixing her eye on the heroine of the bottle, who still slept and loudly snored. Mrs. Sweeny's doom was in Madame Beck's eye an immutable purpose that eye spoke: Madame's visitations for shortcomings might be slow, but they were sure.

Thurstane, who had kept track of him, immediately took him to his house, first as an invalid hanger-on, and then as a jack of all work. As the family were sitting at breakfast Sweeny's voice was heard in the veranda outside, "colloguing" with another voice which seemed familiar. "Listen," whispered Clara. "That is Captain Glover. Let us hear what they say. They are both so queer!"

Darcy hitched himself round, still with a shoulder propped against the partition, and uttered, without any enthusiasm, a few nasal and guttural sentences. "He says, yer worship," said William, with unctuous propriety, "that Sweeny's gorsoons were ever and always hunting his sheep, and settin' on their dog to hunt her, and that last week they dhrove her into the lake and dhrownded her altogether."

Peter waited Sweeny's eyes, narrowed to mere slits, were fixed on a portrait of a plump ecclesiastic which hung in a handsome gold frame over the chimney piece. His hands strayed towards the whisky bottle again. He took another gulp. Then, looking round at his visitor, he spoke. "Listen to me now, Peter Walsh. Is there any wind?"

And I'm able to bring more than it, thanks be to God!" said Sweeny fiercely, with all the offended pride of his race. "I have two pounds here this minute " "If that's the way with ye, may be ye'd like us to put a bigger fine on ye!" broke in Mr. Heraty hotly, in instant response to Sweeny's show of temper. Dr. Lyden laughed for the first time. "Mr.

It's too fond of asking questions you are, Peter Walsh, about what doesn't concern you." The sergeant turned his back and walked away. Peter Walsh watched him enter the barrack. Then he himself went back to Sweeny's shop. "They're wanting a boat," he said. "Joseph Antony Kinsella's or another." "And what for?" "Unless it's to go out to Inishbawn," said Peter, "I don't know what for."