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Keeping her posture, she raised one of her white arms above her head, turning her face up also until the swanlike curve of the white throat showed; and with quivering finger tips she touched some sprays of mistletoe pendent from the garland on the wall: "You have not interpreted this," she said, her mind fixed on that sole omission. "I have not explained that," he admitted.

Swanlike the robe which innocence bestowing, Decked with the virgin favors, rosy fair, In the gay time when many a young rose glowing, Blushed through the loose train of the amber hair. Woe, woe! as white the robe that decks me now The shroud-like robe hell's destined victim wears; Still shall the fillet bind this burning brow That sable braid the Doomsman's hand prepares!

It was known to be quite final, and as the lady evinced no chagrin and affected no unusual spirits, but held, swanlike and majestic, the even tenor of her way, there was, on the whole, little doubt anywhere that the gentleman had received his conge, and was hiding his mortification and healing his wounds in Paris or Vienna, or some other suitable retreat.

"Ah, Dalila Karpovna," remarked Niel Andreevich. "Good-day. How are you?" "Good-day," she answered drily, turning away. "Why don't you bestow a kind glance on me, and let me admire your swanlike neck!" The young officials in the corner giggled, the ladies smiled, and Paulina Karpovna whispered to Raisky: "The rude creature. The first word he speaks is folly." "Ah, you despise an old man.

Then those Rishis in swanlike forms, coming to Bhishma, beheld that perpetuator of Kuru's race lying on his bed of arrows. Endued with great intelligence, Bhishma, O Bharata. beholding them, reflected for a moment. Even this is my resolve. I will proceed to my own ancient abode when the Sun reacheth the northern solstice. Ye swans, I tell you this truly.

It was not so easy for Isak to bear with such things; he looked displeased, and showed it, and, as there was nothing swanlike and gentle about Isak, it may well be that he showed it plainly. Oline cared little for looks; soft-spoken as ever, she only said: "Now, could I help it?" "That I can't say," answered Isak. "But you might have left the things alone."

And all that I ask in payment for that tip the most valuable, perhaps, you have ever got from a book is that you make polite inquiry of the Herr Wirt regarding Fräulein Sophie, and that you present to her, when she comes tripping to your table, the respects and compliments of one who forgets not her cerulean eyes, her swanlike glide, her Mona Lisa smile and her leucemic and superbly manicured hands!

"'Oh, do skate, Mr. Winkle, said Arabella. 'I like to see it so much. "'Oh, it is so graceful, said another young lady. A third young lady said it was elegant, and a fourth expressed her opinion that it was 'swanlike. "'I should be very happy, I'm sure, said Mr. Winkle, reddening, 'but I have no skates. "This objection was at once overruled.

In spite of the slightness of virgin youth, her proportions had the nobleness, blent with the delicacy, that belongs to the masterpieces of ancient sculpture; and there was a conscious pride in her step, and in the swanlike bend of her stately head, as she turned with an evident impatience from the address of her lover.

Let him who crosses the heath at night bend clown until his face comes on a level with the tufts of grass, and he will see a strange spectacle outline itself against the western sky. Owls with great, round wings skim over the ground, invisible to any one standing upright. Snakes glide about there, lithe, quick, with narrow heads uplifted on swanlike necks.