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Formerly Paul Schlieben had always detested leaving his house and garden on such days, when the Grunewald was overrun with people. He had always disliked swallowing the dust the crowd raised. But now he was broader-minded.

Surely you would not like to look like a washed-out, pasty-faced, sickly little girl? Young folks often get spots in the face from eating too fast, swallowing half-masticated food, and indulging in too much jam and sugar and "lollypops." By this means they spoil their teeth as well as their skin. GLADYS. Your neck should be examined by a good surgeon.

Everything must have been arranged in advance; for they landed precisely at the right hour. As, during the trip, they had kept up their courage by swallowing the most fiery wine, Philotas had staggered on shore with difficulty and then been dragged forward by the others. When he rose from the earth all was over.

I watched a silver swan, which had a living grace about his movements and a living intelligence in his eyes watched him swimming about as comfortably and as unconcernedly as if he had been born in a morass instead of a jeweler's shop watched him seize a silver fish from under the water and hold up his head and go through all the customary and elaborate motions of swallowing it but the moment it disappeared down his throat some tattooed South Sea Islanders approached and I yielded to their attractions.

Finally, as though swallowing his pride with a gulp, he drew a long breath, took a couple of determined strides forward, and held out his hands, one to Errington and the other to Lorimer, by whom they were warmly grasped. "There, my lads," he said rapidly. "I'm sorry I spoke! Forgive and forget!

Suddenly ceasing, he would dart down upon some hapless lizard, too early astir for its own safety, and, with his writhing prey in his bill, would fly to some other branch, and after swallowing his captive, burst forth into a yell of self-gratulation even-more fiendish than before.

He stopped only once, for a long time swallowing his saliva, but he immediately mastered himself and made up for the lost time by a greater flow of eloquence.

I am quite sure, for instance, that in repeating to your child the simple rule of politeness, with which everybody is acquainted, "Never talk when you are eating," you will be very careful to add, "and especially when you are swallowing," for reasons I am about to detail.

"But now," cried she, "only imagine a set of sober English readers studying my cousin Craiglethorpe's New View of Ireland, and swallowing all the nonsense it will contain!"

The former appeared but in few cases, and consisted in carbuncular inflammation of the gullet, with a difficulty of swallowing, even to suffocation, to which, in some instances, was added inflammation of the ceruminous glands of the ears, with tumours, producing great deformity.