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She was fainted outright in her chair in the Dutch room; and he said it was the old gentleman Old Flannels, we calls him, for shortness but lor' bless you, she's too used to him to be frightened, and that's only a make-belief; and Miss Dipples, her maid, she says as how she was worse up stairs, and she's made up again with Miss Lake, which she was very glad, no doubt, of the making friends, I do suppose; but it's a bin a bad row, and I suspeck amost he's used vilins.

'Compulsion, I suppose; you mean constraint? suggested Larkin, very curious. 'Well, that may be, Sir, but I amost suspeck she's been hurted somehow.

But I've f't redskin afore in all sorts an' shapes, yet niver seed redskin sech as them." "In what did they differ from other savages? I saw nothing different." "But I did; leastways, I suspeck I did. Didn't you spy 'mong the lot two or three that had ha'r on thar faces?" "Yes; I noticed that. I thought nothing of it.

"Well, and now I come to think of it, I'm blessed if I didn't suspeck somethin' of it, right from the first! Why, didn't I say to Beamish, with me own lips, 'ow you couldn't 'ardly take your eyes off 'er? Well, well, I'm sure I wish you every 'appiness though 'ow we're h'ever goin' to get on without Polly, I reelly don't know.

'Well, Sir, I could not hear more than a word now and a sentince again; and pickin' what meaning I could out of what Miss Lake said, and the capting could not deny, I do suspeck, Sir, most serious, as how they have put Mr. Mark Wylder into a mad-house; and that's how I think it's gone with him; an' you'll never see him out again if the capting has his will.

And, to do her justice, I don't think she had met him then, though I sort o' suspeck she seen him from the window two or three times she had a habit of looking out o' the window and that he contrived to have a talk with her somewhere and somehow, the day before she went away. When she come into the entry to see who it was, she saw Pet hurrying into the parlor, and heerd her humming a tune.

There, I'll run off at once." "Hold hard a moment, Master Aleck. Mebbe you'll see them two beauties." "I shouldn't wonder, Tom." "Looking as innercent as a pair o' babbies, sir," said Tom, with a knowing wink. "Then what you've got to do, sir, is look innercent too. You arn't going to suspeck them for a minute, cause they wouldn't do such a thing. We're a-going to wait till the right time comes."

"Why, there's only two of these big freezers, and if I hadn't happened to suspeck somep'n and be layin' for those vile thieves, half the party wouldn't get any!"

I suspeck that the COCK turtle-dove was preshos sick of his barging. When they arriv'd, the fust thing they found on their table was a large parsle wrapt up in silver paper, and a newspaper, and a couple of cards, tied up with a peace of white ribbing. In the parsle was a hansume piece of plum-cake, with a deal of sugar. On the cards was wrote, in Goffick characters, Earl of Crabs.

Only there's a little black book as I took for your prayer-book, and brought in here; ay, here it is, sure enough, and he wants it. And then I must go down to the study, and look out this one, "C, 15;" but I can't read the name, noways; and I was afraid to ask him again; if you be so kind to read it, Miss I suspeck my eyes is a-going. I read the name; and Mrs.