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Returning to Calcutta, he began a search there. Kamal Mani, remaining in Govindpur, continued to look for the lost one. The happiness for which Kunda Nandini had never ventured to hope was now hers; she had become the wife of Nagendra. On the marriage day she thought, "This joy is boundless; it can never end!" But after the flight of Surja Mukhi, repentance came to Kunda Nandini.

In relation a wife, in friendship a brother, in care a sister, abounding in hospitality, in love a mother, in devotion a daughter, in pleasure a friend, in counsel a teacher, in attendance a servant! My Surja Mukhi! who else possesses such a wife?

I was placed here by the master, and except at his command I will not go. I have as much power to dismiss you as you have to dismiss me." The Dewan, fearing further insult, said not another word. Except Surja Mukhi, no one could rule Hira. One day, after the departure of Nagendra, Hira was lying alone in the creeper-covered summer-house in the flower-garden near to the women's apartments.

The Brahmachari asked "What shall we call you? what is your name?" The desolate creature, moving a little restlessly, replied, "My name is Surja Mukhi." There was apparently no hope of Surja Mukhi's life. The Brahmachari, not understanding her symptoms, next morning called in the village doctor. Ram Krishna Rai was very learned, particularly in medicine.

Unqualified happiness is often the source of suffering; and unless there has been suffering, permanent happiness cannot exist. It cannot be said that Nagendra was faultless. His fault was very heavy. A severe expiation had begun. It is needless to say that when the news of Surja Mukhi's flight had spread through the house, people were sent in great haste in search of her.

Surja Mukhi, examining the Boisnavi from head to foot, inquired, "Who are you?" An aunt of Nagendra's explained: "She is a Boisnavi who came to sing. I never heard such beautiful singing! Will you let her sing for you? Sing something about the goddesses." Haridasi, having sung a beautiful piece about Sham, Surja Mukhi, enchanted, dismissed her with a handsome present.

My present delight, the memory of my past, the hope of my future, my salvation in the next world! I am a swine how should I recognize a pearl?" Suddenly it occurred to him that he was being borne in a palanquin at his ease, while Surja Mukhi had worn herself out by travelling on foot.

Because the Creator betrayed her, does she therefore wish to betray others? If Hira were in Surja Mukhi's place, would she be so deceitful? Hira says "No!" But sitting in Hira's place she speaks as Hira. People say all evil that occurs is brought about by the wicked. Wicked people say, "I should have been virtuous, but through the faults of others have become evil."

There was another door near the bedstead, but as the wind did not blow in that direction he left it open. Nagendra sat on the sofa, weeping bitterly. How often had he sat there with Surja Mukhi; what pleasant talks they had had! Again and again Nagendra embraced that senseless seat; then raising his face he looked at the pictures so dear to Surja Mukhi.

Kunda, seeing all her zeal and care, thought to herself, "There is no one living so good as Hira. Even Kamal does not love me so much." "Yes, that will do. Kunda shall submit. But if we do not make Surja Mukhi appear as poison in the eyes of Nagendra, nothing can be accomplished." So Hira set herself to divide the hearts hitherto undivided.