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I have preferred the latter orthography upon the authority of the Shaykh Jami, most learned of the Somal. The following is an extract from the Pharmaceutical Journal, vol. xii. No. v. Nov. 1. 1852. Surg., B.A., Civil and Port. Surg., Aden, Arabia.

Nor do I feel the necessity of enforcing the conclusion which arises spontaneously from the facts which have been enumerated by formally citing the opinions of those grave authorities who have for the last half-century been sounding the unwelcome truth it has cost so many lives to establish. "It is to the British practitioner," says Dr. Also Ed. Med. and Surg.

"The one patient was seized with the rigor about thirty hours afterwards. The other patient was seized with a rigor the third morning after delivery. Med. and Surg. One of these same gentlemen attended another woman in the same clothes two days after the autopsy referred to. "The rigor did not take place until the evening of the fifth day from the first visit. Result fatal."

Tom Anderson, his wife, and old Aunt Martha had arrived. The family had a joyful meeting and had become settled down. All were glad to see me. Col. Tom, his wife, and Aunt Martha had many pleasant things to relate how Tom recovered so rapidly; how kind Col. Harden had been; what a good man Surg.

The amount of duties paid on olive oil imported into the United Kingdom, from January 5, 1831, to April 5, 1832, was £76,962. The quantity of this oil imported in that period was 2,286,629 gallons Med. and Surg. Journal. Coffee. The duty on raw coffee is now 6d. per lb. on colonial, and 9d. on foreign; the retail price is 2s. to 4s. The Irish Bar. Mr.

Introduction of Fluids into the Circulation. The most valuable measure for maintaining the circulation, however, is by transfusion of blood (Op. Surg., p. 37). If this is not immediately available the introduction of from one to three pints of physiological salt solution (a teaspoonful of common salt to a pint of water) into a vein, or a 6

Ingleby I select the following: Two gentlemen, after having been engaged in conducting the post- mortem examination of a case of puerperal fever, went in the same dress, each respectively, to a case of midwifery. "The one patient was seized with the rigor about thirty hours afterwards. The other patient was seized with a rigor the third morning after delivery. Med. and Surg.

"The one patient was seized with the rigor about thirty hours afterwards. The other patient was seized with a rigor the third morning after delivery. Med. and Surg. One of these same gentlemen attended another woman in the same clothes two days after the autopsy referred to. "The rigor did not take place until the evening of the fifth day from the first visit. Result fatal."