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Aunt Lizzie's desertion, and for such a reason, was the last thing he had anticipated. It seemed like the final straw laid upon a back already breaking. He watched her toddle away, and sat down again gloomily. At the supply-wagon Mr. Hicks was putting the food away, commenting profanely upon the flies, the heat, the tardiness of Mr.

The saddle-horses of the officers were ready under the shade, their girths properly tightened. Blankets had been rolled up and strapped, haversacks and bags properly repacked, a last look taken to flints and priming. The supply-wagon stood behind where the General's tent had been, all laden for the start, and with the horses harnessed to the pole. Still no signal came!

The General saw the other three regiments trooped, told Visscher to bring the supply-wagon with the rear, and then, with Isaac Paris, Jelles Fonda, and myself, galloped to the head of the column, where Spencer and Skenandoah with the Oneida Indians were. So marching swiftly, and without scouts, we started forth at about nine in the morning.

Wallie returned evenly: "You know as well as I do that choosing a camp is left to Hicks' judgment. I told you not to get ahead of the supply-wagon." "If you think I'm going to poke along behind like a snail, you're mistaken!" Stott retorted. Wallie's face went white under its tan, though his voice was quiet enough as he answered: "You'll 'poke' this afternoon, I'm thinking." Stott turned sharply.

But once the bears had located the supply-wagon, they went about their business like trained burglars. Standing on their hind legs, they crowded about it, tearing open sacks, scattering food, tossing things hither and thither, jostling each other and grunting when they found something to their liking.

"I'm sure you've never spoiled any one by it. You've treated me like a hound, mostly." Her eyes sparkled as she answered: "I like hounds, if they have mettle." "Even when they run themselves down following a cold trail?" he asked in self-derision. Her reply was interrupted by voices raised in altercation in the vicinity of the supply-wagon.

A yearling bull calf was tied to a supply-wagon wheel, bellowing his indignation. I imagine he quit bellowing shortly thereafter. An officer came to the edge of the road and, peering sharply at us over a broken hedge, made as if to stop us; then changed his mind and permitted us to go unchallenged.