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"Nobody can expect to keep on looking as they did when they were ten years old." Abruptly she moved toward the door. "There's water in the pitcher, an' there's soap and towels here, I guess," she remarked. "When you get fixed up, come downstairs; supper'll be on the table." The door banged and she was gone.

Supper'll be ready. "'Where are the kids? he'd ask. 'The house is as quiet as the grave. Hurry up and get well, kid. It's darn lonesome without you at the table, and the children's manners are getting something awful, and I never can find my shirts. Lordy, I guess we won't celebrate when you get up!

Ise tendin' to de supper. Ise bound de supper'll be ready 'fo' you two chillens is ready fur to eat it." Within, the chair continued to creak steadily. The girl spread out her hands with a gesture of helplessness. "You see how it is," she explained under her breath. "Auntie is so set in her ways!" "And she's so set in that rocking-chair too," he retorted grimly.

Jabez Holt then conducted them back to chairs on the porch, remarking: "It's after four o'clock now, and supper'll be ready sharp at six." "What time do they knock off work in the boatyard?" queried Jack. "Five, sharp," the landlord informed him. "Does that foreman on the submarine boat job ever come along this way?" "Goes right by here on his way home," Mr. Holt informed the boys.

Say, I wish I'd got nerve." The man laughed pleasantly. "Guess what a girl needs is for her men-folk to have nerve," he said. "I don't know 'bout your brother Alec, but your father well, he's got it all." The girl's eyes lit. "Yes," she said simply. Then, with a glance westwards at the dying daylight, she went on: "We best get down to the Mission. Supper'll be waiting." Murray nodded. "Sure.

"Why shouldn't we do a bit of neighborin' together, now we've got the chance?" "But but Martin!" Eliza managed to stammer. "He'll never be the wiser unless you tell him," replied Jane merrily. "Come, Miss Lucy, take off your hat an' make yourself at home. Supper'll soon be ready, I guess."

"Yes," answered Enderby, "the skipper used to keep it in his cabin. Billy'll give it you, and show you all you want to see. He knows where his father kept everything. Oh! and I forgot to mention it, but supper'll be on the table at seven o'clock." "Righto!" I returned as I wheeled about and headed for the companion. "Billy, my boy, where are you?" I called, as I entered the cabin.

But Columbine guessed that he had ridden to Kremmling and back in one day, on some order of Jack's. "Miss Collie, I'll tend to Pronto," he offered. "An' yore supper'll be waitin'." A bright fire blazed on the living-room hearth. The rancher was reading by its light. "Hello, rosy-cheeks!" greeted the rancher, with unusual amiability. "Been ridin' ag'in' the wind, hey?

They came together expecting to find Bob and Bill awaiting them there, but the shack was empty. "We'll be havin' th' tilt snug an' warm for th' lads when they comes," said Dick, as he went briskly to work to build a fire in the stove "You get some ice t' melt for th' tea, Ed. Th' lads'll be handy t' gettin' in now, an' when they comes supper'll be pipin' hot for un."

The stout woman, the upper part of whose shabby dress seemed to be subjected to considerable strains, looked at Jock carelessly, and then, attracted perhaps by his eager face, smiled with a certain facile amiability. "But by th' time they're cooked your supper'll be late, I'm reckoning." "Them potatoes have naught to do with our supper," said Mrs Clowes. "They're for to-morrow's dinner.