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As long as Plato's philosophy continued to shape their thought, men went on speaking more or less traditionally of Ideas as real supersensible beings.

This was handed on, either by word of mouth or in writing, from generation to generation. Neither could those born later know anything of the real nature of the Christ-event save by such traditions, if they did not rise to the level of the supersensible worlds.

In this sense Kant destroyed knowledge to make room for a rational faith in a supersensible world, to save the independence and dignity of the human self and the spiritual values of his people. In claiming a place for the autonomous personality in what appeared to be a mechanical universe, Kant gave voice to some of the deeper yearnings of the age.

Instead of the star-spirit, the star was put first, and instead of other spiritual beings their earthly counterparts were made prominent. Only the leaders attained to really deep knowledge concerning the laws of the supersensible world and its connection with the physical.

Such people say that they 'see' sounds and 'hear' colours. Everything that is true of the supersensible sphere we may expect to come to expression in some form in the world of sense-perception.

There is a constant tendency in those days, which are so impatient of all that is supersensible and wonderful, to try and get rid of the personality of the devil, and to tone down the question of man's salvation to a struggle between two opposing principles within the heart, instead of regarding it, as the Bible teaches us to regard it, as an actual contest for the soul of man between real persons the Spirit of God from above, the Spirit of evil from beneath.

Some people find many obstacles when they enter upon the path of occult science. One of these is expressed in the fact, that a person, attempting to take the first steps, is sometimes discouraged because at the outset he is introduced to the details of the supersensible world, in order that he may, with entire patience and devotion, become acquainted with them.

Draw nearer unfold your celestial wings and brood tenderly o'er the aspirations of this receptive heart this heart already upborne on waves of ecstasy and o'er- mastering joy; fulfill its psychic dreams and lift it to thine own supersensible heights" she breathed in an exaggerated stage whisper and continued her vague, visionary monologue, or extravaganza, until the curtain fell and brought down the house again with enthusiastic applause.

He is transplanted out of it into this one, which offers only outer sense-observation and the intelligence connected with it. By every possible means these people strove to open up a view of the real world. They could take no interest in the illusory sense-world, or at any rate only so far as it proved to be a veil for the supersensible.

Now the termimaginativecan cause confusion in the minds of some, to whomimaginationstands only forimaginings”—that is concepts that lack reality. In occult science, however, “imaginativecognition must be understood to be that kind of cognition which results from a supersensible state of consciousness of the soul.