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She was not on that occasion looking as well as usual, being a little too much "endimanchee" in terrestrial lavenders and super-celestial blues not, in fact, dressed with the remarkable taste which he has seen in her at other times. 'She has great nicety and refinement in her personal ways, I think and the cigarette is really a feminine weapon if properly understood.

Having attained the highest point in the super-celestial states of subjective, embryonic existence; having evolved sensation and aspiration; now, inspired by a desire for immortality, the DUAL SOUL of the Divine Ego is once more impelled forward; but, as all evolution works in spirals, it cannot ascend higher without first apparently descending lower; so ever onward in its eternal march.

"The sublime, the magnificent, and, I may say, the super-celestial dome of the bed, which contains the odoriferous, balmy, and ethereal spices, odours, and essences, and which is the grand magazine or reservoir of those vivifying and invigorating influences which are exhaled and dispersed by the breathing of the music, and by the attenuating, repelling, and accelerating force of the electrical fire, is very curiously inlaid or wholly covered on the under side with brilliant plates of looking-glass, so disposed as to reflect the various attractive charms of the happy recumbent couple, in the most flattering, most agreeable and most enchanting style.

The elementary fire burns, the heavenly fire vivifies, the super-celestial fire loves." In this way, every natural object, every combination of natural forces, every accident in the lives of men, is filled with higher meanings. Omens, prophecies, supernatural coincidences, accompany Pico himself all through life.

Go now out of these 2 distinct Worlds into the third, wherein is contained and found what the other two have wrought, to wit, the Super-celestial and the Celestial worlds; out of the Super-celestial arises the Fountain of Life, and of the Soul; out of the other Celestial world the light of the Spirit; and out of the third or Elementary world, the invincible Celestial Fire, which yet may be felt, out of which, that which is tangible is digested; these three Matters and Substances produce and generate the Form of Metals, among all which Gold hath the pre-eminence, because the Sidereal & Elementary Operation hath digested and ripened the Mercury in this Metal the more perfectly to a sufficient ripeness.

Every object in the terrestrial world is an analogue, a symbol or counterpart, of some higher reality in the starry heavens, and this again of some law of the angelic life in the world beyond the stars. There is the element of fire in the material world; the sun is the fire of heaven; and in the super-celestial world there is the fire of the seraphic intelligence. "But behold how they differ!

To those of us who are wiser than he, who know that simple honesty and public spirit and self-respect and contempt of sneaking and fawning and bribery and crawling are the conditions of political preferment, Irving, in not perceiving this, must naturally seem to be a queer, wrong-headed, and rather super-celestial American, who had lived too much in the heated atmosphere of European aristocracies and altogether too little in the pure and bracing air of American ward politics and caucuses and conventions.

Yes, it must be certainly that super-celestial nose and those enormous ears never belonged to any one else. I turned abruptly, and entered the house, and was received at the head of the stairway by two little figures in white, the larger of which remarked: "We want you tell us stories papa always does nights." "Very well, jump into bed what kind of stories do you like?"

Mark now, give your Mind perfect Thoughts, refrain all strange matters, which are not serviceable to your speculation of Philosophy, but rather cause a ruine of that benefit, which you pursued with so much diligence; and know if you have a hearty desire and strong affection to gain the Golden Magnet, that in the first place your prayer be truly directed to God, in true Knowledge, Sorrow, Repentance, and true Humility, to know and learn the three distinct Worlds which are subject to Humane Reason; as, there is the Super-celestial World, wherein the right immortal Soul hath its seat and residence, together with its first coming, and is according to Gods Creation the first moveable Sense, or the first moving sensible Soul, which hath operated the Natural Life from a Supernatural Essence; this Soul and Spirit is at first the Root and Fountain, the first Creature which arose to a Life, and the first Mover, whereof there hath been so much Disputing among the Learned.

He sees clearly that the "spiritual" is none other than the "moral" that which has to do with right and wrong; and he has a righteous contempt for everything and anything, however graceful and reverent, and artistic and devout, and celestial and super-celestial, except in as far as he finds it making better men and women do better work at every-day life.