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A somewhat prolonged research would indicate what effect the presence of sunspots had on solar radiation whether it was increased or diminished. By Mr. ANDREW CARNEGIE, New York. In these days of depression in manufacturing, the world over, it is specially cheering to be able to dwell upon something of a pleasant character.

Not in full possession of faculties. Concussion. Run over by tram. THE ECHO: Sham! And then the heat. There were sunspots that summer. End of school. And tipsycake. Halcyon days. THE HALCYON DAYS: Mackerel! Live us again. Hurray! I feel sixteen! What a lark! Let's ring all the bells in Montague street. THE ECHO: Fool! Whisper. In the open air? And on our virgin sward.

They had friends working on many research projects throughout the United States and managed to visit and confer with them while on business trips. They investigated the possibility of unusual sunspot activity, but sunspots had been normal during the brief periods of high radiation.

The 'Sunspots' are immense gaps or holes in the photosphere, some of them 150,000 miles in diameter, which afford us a peep at the glowing interior. There are different theories as to their nature, hence they provide rival astronomers with an excellent opportunity of spotting each other's reputations.

It has been suggested that sun-spots are indications of the beginning of a process in the sun which will be intensified until it falls into the state of such a star as Mira. Stars very far advanced in evolution, without showing variability, also exhibit similar spectra; so that there is much reason for regarding sunspots as emblems of advancing age.

The sun himself represents a crowd of pending problems. His peculiar mode of rotation; the level of sunspots; the constitution of the photospheric cloud-shell, its relation to faculae which rise from it, and to the surmounting vaporous strata; the nature of the prominences; the alternations of coronal types; the affinities of the zodiacal light all await investigation.

As drinks in Palomitas was sighted for a thousand yards, and carried to kill further, by the time Boston had three of 'em in him on top of the ones he'd had with Wood at supper he was loaded enough to be careless about what was happening among the sunspots and ready to take things pretty much as they come along.