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Chris was soothing and Harry reassuring. 'He knows how to take care of himself. He'll be all right, cried the young man heartily. 'If you could get some o' the boys to let him know I wasn't safe from a sundowner, or a drunken drover, or someone, I'd be much obliged, said Mrs. Haddon. 'Very well, replied Harry, laughing. 'I'll manage that. Mrs.

B.'s ranch, I felt my false courage oozing out of the tips of my fingers, and as I rode up to the door, certain obnoxious colonial words, such as "sundowners," and "bummers," occurred to me, and I felt myself a "sundowner" when the host came out and asked me to dismount.

Round the bar, which stretched across the end of the room, they found four men standing, with pipes in their mouths and filled glasses in front of them, and only a glance was needed to reveal to every one as he entered that not one of the four was a new chum or a sundowner.

"And what makes you think he has left Riverina for good?" asked the boundary man absently. "Catch him leaving Riverina. He knows he has a good character as a quiet, decent, innoffensive sundowner nobody's enemy but his own and experience has taught him that any kind of tolerable reputation is better than no reputation at all." "I don't mean him," said the boundary man constrainedly.

His first impression was that some unfortunate traveller had lost his way in the wide wilderness, or a station hand had gone mad with drink, or that a sundowner had become insane with hunger, thirst, and despair. He took a blanket and went to meet the man, in order that he might cover him decently before he arrived too near the house.

No anchors or cables were to be seen, but the seamen's bunks remained much as I imagine they had left them; and, on the side of one, some sundowner had contrived to scrawl, apparently with a heated wire, this somewhat fatuous legend: 'Occewpide by me Captin Ned Kelli Bushranger. Chrismas day 1868. Not too bad.

Does he say he won't go?" "Says he'll stand there till he sees you, sir, if it's all day." "And yet isn't crazy. Show him up." The sundowner was shown in. The broker said to himself, "No, he's not crazy; that is easy to see; so he must be the other thing." Then aloud, "Well, my good fellow, be quick about it; don't waste any words; what is it you want?"

Strange to say, in spite of his drunken habits, his credit was as good as that of any man in the town. He was very unsociable, seldom speaking, whether drunk or sober; but a weary, hard-up sundowner was always pretty certain to get a meal and a shake-down at Bogg's lonely but among the mullock heaps.

"I was tramping with my bundle on my back acrost the prairie to Askatoon from Waterway. I'm a sundowner, as they say in Australia. When the sun goes down, I down to my bed wherever I be on the prairie. I was asleep- I'd been half drunk when the chestnut threw your wife and broke its leg; but I was awake when he rode up." He pointed to Orlando. "I was awake, and so I watched.

She described the chivalrous SUNDOWNER who had on one occasion helped her through a week's washing; and Zack Duppo the horsebreaker, whose Christmas pudding had been a culinary triumph, and the loyalty of faithful Wombo, who had done violence to all his savage instincts in acting as house-servant until the advent of the Malay boy Kuppi. She told of her first experience of a summer out West.