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And when we get a bit farther on we will pitch upon a snug spot where there's water, and make a bit of breakfast." "Breakfast! How?" said Pen, smiling; but, wearied out and faint with his sufferings, it was a very poor exhibition of mirth a sort of smile and water, like that of a sun-gleam upon a drizzly day. "Breakfast!" he said, half-scornfully, "You are always thinking of eating, Punch."

"Now that is a good idea, and I thank you for it, my sweet Elise," said he, extremely pleased. Yes, if the Colonel's widow had not been there if the Candidate had not been there and if there had been no if in the case, all might have gone on quite smoothly. But it was quite otherwise. Too many chaotic elements had collected together in the family of the Franks for one sun-gleam to dissipate.

The joke caught fire; he saw the sun-gleam on a dozen perfect sets of teeth. Vanna's head was up with the rest, sooner up and the sooner down. Even from that height the little twinkling beacons from the bridge shot her through. He saw her colour deepen, head droop; she was busy long before the others had wrung their joke dry.

However, the Otter was now not only manned, but over manned; and Hereward had to leave a dozen stout fellows in Kirkwall, and sail southward again, singing cheerily to his men, "Lightly the long-snake Leaps after tempests, Gayly the sun-gleam Glows after rain In labor and daring Lies luck for all mortals, Foul winds and foul witch-wives Fray women alone." But their mishaps were not over yet.

To our anxious eyes she seemed to sweep along like a sun-gleam on a cloudy day.... Both her topsails were clear to us.... We could see her jibs swollen with venom, and past them the great sweep of her mainsails with the booms well out over the side to take the full of the wind.... The sweat poured down us, the veins stood out of us like cords.... Once, in the frenzy of my thoughts, the gleaming white sails on our quarter, and the crisp green waves alongside, and the dingy brown boat, and Le Marchant's fiery crimson neck, all shot with red for a moment, and I loosed one hand and drew it over my brow to see if it was blood or only sweat that trickled there.

Then one day there came a shower with a warm south wind, sweet and healthful and serene; and through the shower, out of the breaking clouds, a sun-gleam like a path of gold straight down to the heart of London town; and on the south wind, down that path of gold, came April.

It has been pleasant to emerge from the dismal winter of 1862-63 into the sun-gleam of the Fourth of July of the latter year. But it is necessary to return for a while into that dusky gloom, for the career of a "war president" is by no means wholly a series of campaigns. Domestic politics, foreign relations, finance, make their several demands.

The doorway at the further end of the room was framing a majestic figure, tall and stately and a sun-gleam struggling suddenly through the lattice seemed to leap in a golden ray to caress in homage the snow-white hair, the silver beard that fell upon the breast, the saintly face of the Patriarch.

The immorality of these damsels, the sponging of Marten, the deviltry of Lox, the servile follies and ferocious vindictiveness of the Loon, all seem to impress the composer of the tale as so many bubbles rising and falling on the sea of life, only remarkable for the sun-gleam of humor which they reflect.

Recollect that her radiant beauty, in that setting sun-gleam, was the last thing human his eyes had rested on before the night came on him the night that might be endless. It was not so easy, now that an imaginary fiancée had been curtly swept away, to fight against a temptation he conceived himself bound in honour not to give way to.