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Mrs Denbigh heard the news without a word, and was too languid to join in the search after purple and yellow flowers with which to deck the sitting-room at Eagle's Crag. A letter from Jemima came the next day, summoning them home. Mr Donne and his friends had left the place, and quiet was restored in the Bradshaw household; so it was time that Mary's and Elizabeth's holiday should cease.

"He was attached to General Joffre's staff when we left. Remember?" "Yes," replied Chester. "Must be some momentous move under way." Other officers now began to appear. They dashed up to the British commander, made their reports and immediately dashed away again. "Lieutenant Paine! Lieutenant Crawford!" It was General French summoning them and the boys approached and came to attention.

Summoning my maid, whom I saw hastening toward me from an inner room, I begged her to open the telegram for me. Sir, I saw in her face, before she had read the first line, a confirmation of my very worst fears. My husband was " The young widow, choked with her emotions, paused, recovered herself for the second time, and then went on. "I had better show you the telegram."

It was his death-blow, but the vital principle was yet unsubdued; and, summoning up all his dying energies those which despair alone can give he came at me with a force that I could never have withstood. Fortunately the Parisian's gun was close to me, and the charge stopped him in full career. This was the coup de grâce.

Steger stepped back and Judge Payderson nodded, as much as to say he had heard all the distinguished lawyer had to say, and would give it such consideration as it deserved no more. Then he turned to Cowperwood, and, summoning all his judicial dignity to his aid, he began: "Frank Algernon Cowperwood, you have been convicted by a jury of your own selection of the offense of larceny.

Eleanor took her up in fluent French, and the talk sparkled back and forth between them reminiscences of this or that restaurant on the boulevards which Madame Loisel had known in her youth and which Eleanor had visited. Bertram, his mouth open, followed that talk as though summoning all his Sophomore French to match a word here and there.

He had paid it the compliment of summoning his two sensible married sisters to aid him with their counsel; and even they, though not lacking in decision as a rule, regarded first the Colonel's letter and then their brother with disturbed and doubtful eyes. "He can't be allowed to go on disgracing himself in London; that much is perfectly clear," said Mrs. Ramornie.

The coyotes had all mated and the season for pack-hunting was past, yet many of them still rallied to his call; but on this night he lingered in the notch and waited for Shady to come back to him before summoning the pack.

They produced and read a copy of Joan's first effort at dictating her proclamation summoning the English to retire from the siege of Orleans and vacate France truly a great and fine production for an unpractised girl of seventeen. "Do you acknowledge as your own the document which has just been read?" "Yes, except that there are errors in it words which make me give myself too much importance."

Men never talked of luck and pluck and five-hundred-dollar dirt without bringing in the name of Axel Gunderson; nor could tales of nerve or strength or daring pass up and down the campfire without the summoning of his presence. And when the conversation flagged, it blazed anew at mention of the woman who shared his fortunes.