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I looked up to the deep, cloudless sky, around at the wide stretch of green in the golden sunlight, then almost unconsciously back once more to the edge of the woods, where the spread rugs made a tiny home fit for the heart of summertide. Nor did I guess, even then, which was the dominant note of this wonderful chord that my life had unconsciously struck.

Rylance's conversation had suddenly slipped from archaeology into a more personal tone. 'Are you really going away to-morrow? he asked. 'Yes, answered Ida, sadly, looking at one of the last of the butterflies, whose brief summertide of existence was wearing to its close, like her own. 'You are going back to Mauleverer Manor? 'Yes.

You mutter maledictions on the infernal noise and caterwauliug. I hear no caterwauliug, but the river-god of Arno ripples soft songs in the summertide to the lilies that bend above him.

When this journey was made it was immediately after one of those wonderful seasons that transform these parts of Central Australia from a treeless and grassless desert to a land where the swelling plains that stretch from bound to bound of the horizon are as vast fields of ripening corn in their yellow summertide.

The family nursed him more diligently than if he had been their own. Gard came back to his senses rather rapidly. He had found himself in his room. He was in his own bed that German bed. Summertide was steadily flooding in through the grateful leaves of his linden, and brightening his confining walls.

He looked up a trifle drearily from under the brim of his straw hat at the smiling summertide of those blue mountains yonder. Oh, fair and feigning prospect, what wide and alluring perspectives! He drew a long sigh. Is it better to know so surely that winter is a-coming? "An' the sense, too," remarked Narcissa, her eyes still dreamily dwelling on the distance. He roused himself.

And now upon a glorious golden evening in that month of sunshine and summertide, we saw before us shining in a floating mist of reflected glory the spires and towers, the walls and gates of the great city of Rheims the goal of our journeyings the promised land of the Maid's visions and voices! Was it indeed a city of stone and wood which shone before us in the level rays of the sinking sun?

Bessas, with granaries well stored, and his palace heaped with Roman riches, shrugged when the nobles spoke disrespectfully of Justinian; his only loyalty was to himself. At high summertide, the Gothic camp was pitched before Rome, and the siege anticipated for so many months had at length begun.

None enter that attic in the summertide save rats and mice, and though there may be many passing to and fro in the gun room, no sound from here can penetrate there; for we have tried times and again, when there has been none by to hear, if we can make each other hear sounds from either place.

Soon after the expiry of this season of 'Sprouting seeds' follows summertide, and us plants in general then wither and the god of flowers resigns his throne, it is compulsory to feast him at some entertainment, previous to his departure.