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Some were perpendicular, but others dipped so much that an aspect of extreme antiquity was given to the entire colonnade. Corpang was seen climbing the hill, not far from the top. "He wishes to arrive," said Maskull, watching the energetic ascent with a rather cynical smile. "The heavens won't open for Corpang," returned Sullenbode.

She walked a step or two forward, half turned, and held out her hand to him. "Come, Maskull!" When they had covered half the distance that separated them from the foot of the hill, Maskull heard the drum taps. They came from behind the hill, and were loud, sharp, almost explosive. He glanced at Sullenbode, but she appeared to hear nothing.

The moonlight reappeared, the stone posts and the hillside were again bright. In a short time the supernatural light had entirely vanished, but the drum taps still sounded faintly, a muffled rhythm, from behind the hill. Maskull started violently, and stared around him like a suddenly awakened sleeper. He saw Sullenbode walking slowly away from him, a few hundred yards off.

He plucked nervously at his beard, and stared at Sullenbode. His lips kept twitching. After this had gone on for a few minutes, he stepped forward, bent over the woman, and lifted her bodily in his arms. Setting her upright against the rugged tree trunk, he kissed her. A cold, knifelike shock passed down his frame. He thought that it was death, and lost consciousness.

All three were abreast, Sullenbode in the middle. The road descended by an easy gradient, and was for a long distance comparatively smooth. The freezing point seemed higher than on Earth, for the few inches of snow through which they trudged felt almost warm to their naked feet. Maskull's soles were by now like tough hides. The moonlit snow was green and dazzling.

"Poor girl, you are unhappy." "And you are you happy?" He thought a while, and then replied "No. No, I'm not happy. Love is not happiness." "What is it, Maskull?" "Restlessness unshed tears thoughts too grand for our soul to think..." "Yes," said Sullenbode. After a time she asked, "Why were we created, just to live for a few years and then disappear?" "We are told that we shall live again."

Maskull thought all the while of nothing but the overwhelming sweetness he had just experienced. The flat ground on top was dry and springy. There was no more snow, and bright plants appeared. Haunte turned sharply to the left. "This must be under the cap," said Maskull. "It is; and within five minutes you will see Sullenbode."

Sullenbode belongs to me." "Then I say no more; but you are a fated man." From that time forward he spoke not another word to either of the others. A heavy gleam appeared in the woman's eyes. "Now things are changed, Maskull. Where are you taking me?" "Choose, you." "The man I love must complete his journey. I won't have it otherwise. You shall not stand lower than Corpang."

It is not that it is wild, and scornful, and sportive, and bloody.... How should you know." "Selfishness has far too many disguises." "If a woman wills to give up all, what can there be selfish in that?" "Only do not deceive yourself. Act decisively, or fate will be too swift for you both." Sullenbode studied him through her lashes. "Do you mean death his death as well as mine?"

Sullenbode suddenly enfolded him in her arms, and kissed him passionately, again and again. He made no response; he was unaware of what she was doing. She unclasped him and, with bent head and streaming eyes, went noiselessly away. She started to go back toward the Mornstab Pass. A few minutes afterward the radiance began to fade. The thunder died down.