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Of course a club that is strongly favoured by a golfer and suits him excellently in all respects save that it errs on the side of lightness, can easily be put right by the insertion of a little lead in the sole. Little need be said in this place about the selection of the brassy.

You’ll see her in Frankfort. Goin’ into the law thar, are you?" Stanton answered that he thought he should. "Well," said Mr. Middleton, "I’ll give you all my suits, just because you wouldn’t drink and tell a lie to that little gal at home. I despise liars. Let me catch a body telling me a lie, I tell you—"

For civil suits there was a provision against 'wager of battle, and the accused again cleared themselves by compurgation. Unlike Archbishop Gerard, who had supported the church's privilege against the sheriff, de Gray actually joined the sheriff in invading it. Thus the division of jurisdictions received from the State an undoubted sanction.

"Here's where C.N. Morse & Company turns over a leaf, son. No more business gambles. Legitimate trade only. That the idee you're figurin' on makin' me live up to?" "Suits me if it does you," Tom answered cheerfully, "But where do I come in? What's my job in the firm? You'll notice I haven't said 'Thanks' yet." "You?" C.N. gave him a sly, dry smile.

It is taking things into their own hands.... You see, as I expect so much of you I will hide nothing from you: I've long been hatching this idea of a fire because it suits the national and popular taste; but I was keeping it for a critical moment, for that precious time when we should all rise up and... And they suddenly took it into their heads to do it, on their own initiative, without orders, now at the very moment when we ought to be lying low and keeping quiet!

You will never get rest nor satisfaction, and you will never be able to look at the past with thankfulness, nor at the present with repose, nor into the future with hope, unless you can say, 'God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. But oh! if you do, then you have a goodly heritage, a heritage of still satisfaction, a heritage which suits, and gratifies, and expands all the powers of a man's nature, and makes him ever capable of larger and larger possession of a God who ever gives more than we can receive, that the overplus may draw us to further desire, and the further desire may more fully be satisfied.

"You must needs wait a while; I have not my purse with me," Catiline began. But Paullus interrupted him— "I have, I have, my Sergius; permit me to accommodate you." And suiting the action to the word, he gave the conspirator several large gold coins, adding, "you can repay me when it suits you." "That will be never," said Clodius with a sneer; "you don’t know Lucius Catiline, I see, young man."

To the loafing vagrant class, a very large class, I know, but a class not worthy of much consideration, they are a boon. These men tramp from one town to another, and a week or two in each suits them admirably, till the warm weather and light nights arrive, and then they are off.

White suits and white caps had already been made for them, and the guns were all freshly cleaned and oiled. Camping outfits were all ready, and the boys observed that in addition to the winter's supplies there were added large heavy oilcloths, like tarpaulins.

They locked together, swaying at the brink. For an instant it seemed that they would go over; then they surged back, momentarily out of sight. Grantline found his wits. "Stop them! I'll go out and stop them! What fools!" He was hastily donning one of the Erentz suits. "Cut off that siren!" Within a minute Grantline was ready. The duty man called from the window, "Still at it, the fools.