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Forward! The Suffet is going to escape us! But your knees are tottering, and you are looking at me like a drunken man!" He stamped with impatience and urged Matho, his eyes twinkling as at the approach of an object long aimed at. "Ah! we have reached it! We are there! I have them!"

The Suffet dipped his hand into this hot mire and rubbed his knees with it: it was a cure. When evening had come he stole away from the town with his escort, and made his way into the mountain to rejoin his army. He succeeded in finding the remains of it. Four days afterward he was on the top of a defile at Gorza, when the troops under Spendius appeared below.

You know, moreover, that a priest of Eschmoun watches those cruel stars round the Dog from which your malady is derived. They are growing pale like the spots on your skin, and you are not to die from them." "Oh! yes, that is so, is it not?" repeated the Suffet, "I am not to die from them!" And his violaceous lips gave forth a breath more nauseous than the exhalation from a corpse.

The Ligurians encamped in the Mappalian district surrounded his house. The apprehensions of the rich appeared justified when, one day, three hundred Barbarians were seen approaching the walls. The Suffet opened the gates to them; they were deserters; drawn by fear or by fidelity, they were hastening to their master.

"That is because they were not hardy," said the Suffet, laughing. "No matter! if he is in want of money, satisfy him! We should always lend, and at different rates of interest, according to the wealth of the individual."

"They are paying off the Libyans, and then they will discharge the Greeks, the Balearians, the Asiatics and all the rest! But you, who are few in number, will receive nothing! You will see your native lands no more! You will have no ships, and they will kill you to save your food!" The Gauls came to the Suffet.

An old Negress made her appearance, broken, wrinkled, trembling, stupid-looking, wrapped to the heels in ample blue veils. She advanced face to face with the Suffet, and they looked at each other for some time; suddenly Hamilcar started; at a wave of his hand the slaves withdrew. Then, signing to her to walk with precaution, he drew her by the arm into a remote apartment.

As all were guilty, every one became quickly reassured; and by degrees they turned their backs on the Suffet and came down again maddened with humiliation. For the second time they recoiled before him. They remained standing for some time.

Then he suddenly announced the peril of the Suffet, who was assailed by three armies under the command of Matho for on account of the veil Matho was, in the eyes of the Carthaginians, the king, as it were, of the Barbarians, and he added that the safety of the Republic and of her father depended upon her alone. "Upon me!" she exclaimed. "How can I ?"

It murmured: "Master! oh! master!" Hamilcar turned and beside him perceived a man of abject appearance, one of the wretches who led a haphazard existence in the household. "What do you want?" said the Suffet. The slave, who trembled horribly, stammered: "I am his father!" Hamilcar walked on; the other followed him with stooping loins, bent hams, and head thrust forward.