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Fortunately for us his letter to the Pope has been lost, or else we should have to insert it here; and we have had quite enough of his theological stupors.

She rang the bell, gave the order for tea, and during the remainder of Mrs. Manhattan's visit, comported herself so sagaciously that she succeeded in casting dust in that lady's eyes in a manner which would have thrown that lady's husband into stupors of admiration. When her friend at last decided to take herself and her experience away, Eden remained in the drawing-room.

He makes a division into two stupors: Anergic Stupor and Delusional Stupor. When one examines his points of difference between these two types, it becomes clear that Newington really gave an excellent differentiation of benign and malignant stupor in fact, it is the only serious attempt at such discrimination prior to this present work.

In case no anamnesis is obtainable the functional nature of the trouble may be recognized by the absence of those physical signs which characterize the organic stupors. One sees no violent changes in respiration, pulse or blood-pressure, such as are present in the intoxication comas of diabetes or nephritis. There is no characteristic odor to the breath, and the urine is relatively normal.

"I told you, I have come at the General's request," said Fargeas, with a wave of his hand toward Vogotzine. Marsa only replied: "Ah!" But it seemed to the doctor that there was a world of disappointment and despair expressed in this one ejaculation. Then she suddenly became rigid, and lapsed into one of those stupors which had succeeded the days of delirium, and had frightened Vogotzine so much.

Kraepelinian rigidity is seen, however, in the author’s refusal to regard the case ascircularbecause of the lack of all cyclic symptoms. He takes refuge in the meaningless labelMental Confusion.” An important group of cases is that of the stupors occurring during warfare.

The most she would ever do would be always to shove off on him whenever she could the registration of letters, a job she happened particularly to loathe. After the long stupors, at all events, there almost always suddenly would come a sharp taste of something; it was in her mouth before she knew it; it was in her mouth now.

The intellectual processes suffer more seriously in stupor than in any other form of manic-depressive insanity. Not only do the deep stupors betray no evidence of mentation during the acme of the psychosis, but retrospectively they usually speak of their minds being a blank.

When he tried to rouse her she burst into fury and collapsed in stupor. The furies and the stupors were worse than he had ever known. They would have been unendurable if it had not been for Winny. And in the long days when Winny was not there he was always afraid of what might happen to the children. He had safeguarded them as far as possible.

Many of these states seem to be hysterical rather than manic-depressive stupors, but so far as the unconsciousness goes, there is probably as much psychological as symptomatic resemblance between the two types of reaction. Kraepelin recognizes, of course, the occurrence of stupor symptoms or states in the course of manic-depressive psychoses.