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At that great word I saw Martin's blue eyes glisten like the sea when the sun is shining on it; and then, seeing me for the first time, he turned back to old Tommy and said: "I s'pose you lets women go with you when you're out asploring women and girls?" "Never a woman," said Tommy. "Not never not if they're stunners?" said Martin.

"Well," says Tommy, glancing down at me, while his starboard eye twinkled, "I won't say never not if they're stunners."

"Now, what would you call that name, Walters? to me it looks like Stimmens, or Stunners, or something of the kind!" "Never mind the name," exclaimed Walters "skip that let me hear the rest of the letter; we shall find out who he is soon enough, in all conscience." "Well, then," resumed Mr.

You must share it, you know. Knocks at Mrs. Jack and Jim. Thank you, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am. Exit MATTIE into MRS. CLIFFORD'S. Jim. Now, Jack, what's it to be? Jack. I believe I shall spend it in St. Martin's Lane. Jim. A ha'p'orth on it's mine, you know, Jack. Jack. Well, you do put the stunners on me! Jim. She said we wos to divide it she did. Jack. 'Taint possible. It beats my ivories.

If she kept it up, the Marines would have no need to defeat her; she would do it to herself. Calm and control, as Valla and Thark had told her repeatedly, were the keys to victory. She and Medart joined the waiting group. "My men have been briefed, Ranger," Greggson said. "And they have stunners, not blasters, so . . . Sir Corina . . . won't be hurt." He turned to her.

It's quick that way, but it's not very pleasant." Johnny was shaking his head violently; the guard wrenched at his arm, and the miner's face twisted in pain. "Two minutes," the voice said. "Okay," Greg said. "I'm coming down." "Drop the stunner right there." He dropped the weapon onto the deck. Three steps out into the corridor, and two guards were there to meet him, stunners raised.

"That's why I'm here." And with that she looked him in the face with eyes that shot at him a clear blue out of their darkness. Her eyes, as he expressed it afterward, were "stunners," and they were "queer"; they were the "queerest" thing about her. That was his word for their half-fascinating, half-stupefying quality. "Are you waiting for her?" he asked. "No. It's no good waiting for her.

Not all gone, then?" said the doctor, frowning. "Not yet!" growled Dan'l. "And see there, Miss; there was four stunners on that there little branch this mornin', and they're all gone!" "Where is Master Dexter?" said the doctor. Dan'l made a jerking motion with his thumb over his right shoulder, and the doctor walked on over the grass toward the bottom of the grounds.

One tacked on two miles, another ten, and so it went on and on, till it reached the ears of the great Mr. Seedeyman, the mighty WE of the country, as he sat in his den penning his 'stunners' for his market-day Mercury. It had then distanced the great sea-serpent itself in length, having extended over thirty-three miles of country, which Mr.

Shann sat down with a sigh he made no effort to suppress. He had a vision of Thorvald traveling southward, methodically erecting these huts here and there to confound Throgs who might not ever chance upon them. But already the Survey officer was busy with a new problem. "We need weapons " "We have our stunners, a force ax, and our knives," Shann pointed out.