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She had, therefore, slipped out, and finding her wicked friend to be not at home, had hurried back again. She had, however, committed herself to a card, and she knew that Mrs Stumfold would hear of it through Miss Baker.

"Perhaps, Miss Baker, I ought to have returned your visit," said she. "That was just as you like," said Miss Baker with her sweetest smile. "Of course, I should have liked it, as I thought it so good of you to come. But as you came with Mrs Stumfold, I was not quite sure whether it might be intended; and then I didn't know, did not exactly know, where you lived."

Miss Baker had frequently waited for her on Sunday mornings, and walked the length of two streets with her; but she encountered no Miss Baker near the church gate on this morning, and she was sure that Mrs Stumfold had prevailed against her. If it was to be thus with her, had she not better leave Littlebath as soon as possible?

"Yes; and when I come to warn you, you insult me. He is Mr Stumfold's curate, and in many respects he is well fitted for his office." "But has he two or three wives already, Mrs Stumfold?" "I never said that he had." "I thought you hinted it." "I never hinted it, Miss Mackenzie.

Mr Maguire looked at her, and shook his head, the exact meaning of the look she could not understand, as the peculiarity of his eyes created confusion; but when he repeated twice to her the same words, "The heart of man is exceeding treacherous," she understood that he meant to condemn her. "So it is, Mr Maguire, but that is no reason why Mrs Stumfold should scold me."

So egregious was the squint that Miss Mackenzie could not keep herself from regarding it, even while Mr Stumfold was expounding. Had she looked Mr Maguire full in the face at the beginning, I do not think it would so much have mattered to her; but she had seen first the back of his head, and then his profile, and had unfortunately formed a strong opinion as to his almost perfect beauty.

And is it not a shame for a Christian country like this that it should be so? But still, as a profession, it has its value. Look at Mrs Stumfold; where would she be if she were not a clergyman's wife? The position has its value. A clergyman's wife is received everywhere, you know." "A man before he talks of marriage ought to have something of his own, Mr Maguire, besides " "Besides what?"

Then came Mr Stumfold in person, and, of course, nothing about the assembly rooms was said by him. He made himself very pleasant, and Miss Mackenzie almost resolved to put herself into his hands. He did not look sour at her, nor did he browbeat her with severe words, nor did he exact from her the performance of any hard duties.

After a while he paused, and, still standing, spoke to her again across the table. "May I ask you this question? Has Mrs Stumfold said anything to you about me?" "I'd rather not talk about Mrs Stumfold." "But, surely, I may ask that. I don't think you are the woman to allow anything said behind a person's back to be received to his detriment."

Nine months may be as nothing in an acquaintance, or it may lead to the closest friendship." "I don't know that we have met so very often. You have the parish to attend to, Mr Maguire." "Of course I have or rather I had, for I have left Mr Stumfold." "Left Mr Stumfold! Why, I heard you preach yesterday." "I did preach yesterday, and shall till he has got another assistant.