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I turned to see her coming towards me at a stumbling canter like a hurt child running to its mother." His eyes were shut, his voice strangely still. "They'd run her through a lady who thought them friends." A great vein stood out blue on his temple. "I wouldn't have believed it of an Englishman." He sighed profoundly. "But they paid for it."

He was so frightened that he did not realise how tired and hungry he was until he had done a considerable distance, stumbling at every step, and at times falling prone upon the ground. His bruises he hardly felt until he had almost reached the foot of the long slope down which he was speeding. Then a great weakness came upon him, and his body trembled.

But even worse than the risk of a horse stumbling over a stump, was the thought of his putting his hoof down on one of the more sharply pointed stumps, often not more than the thickness of a big walking stick. It would have pierced like a spear. However, I felt that the honour of my country and of my profession as a journalist were at stake.

No doubt he knew a lot that he had not told us, for that is his infernal way of doing business; but neither that probability, nor his tales that so suited the Arab mind, nor the recollection of earlier predicaments in which his flair for solutions had been infallibly right, soothed my nerves much; and I nearly jumped out of my skin when a series of grunts and stumbling footfalls broke the stillness of the gorge behind us.

In some way, stumbling and bounding and lurching, both horses and vehicle kept upright all the way down the steep descent, a thing which to Franklin later seemed fairly miraculous. At the very foot of the pitch the black horse fell, the buggy running full upon him as he lay lashing out.

What to expect he knew not whether the dead man walking, or the official ministers of human justice, or some chance witness blindly stumbling in to consign him to the gallows.

Suddenly, however, Fernando Altimira raised himself in his stirrups, looked back, laughed and galloped across the field to General Pico. "Look!" he said. "Only a few men on horses are after us. The mules are stumbling half a mile behind." Pico wheeled about, gave the word of command, and bore down upon the Americans.

"Clink the strokes strongly and featly, Malise, for to-morrow, when the Black Douglas rides upon Black Darnaway under the eyes of well of the ladies whom the ambassadors are bringing to greet me, there must be no stumbling and no mistakes.

Reuben Butler, the kirk, of whilk, though unworthy, I have yet been thought a polished shaft, and meet to be a pillar, holding, from my youth upward, the place of ruling elder what will the lightsome and profane think of the guide that cannot keep his own family from stumbling?

If the unbelieving world can be rid of both the prophecies concerning Christ, and the history of his life, his sacrificial death and resurrection, they will be rid of that stumbling stone which they have been pleased to call the "much-abused supernaturalism." Hence, the strenuous effort is made to destroy predictive prophecy concerning the person of the Son of God.