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The points of them spikes air sharp enough still, though even the edges air eaten out by what uster be on them. It'd be a good thing for our Indian section to get some specimens of this here play-toy to send round to the Reservations jest to knock the stuffin' out of the bucks, and the squaws too, by showing them as how old civilisation lays over them at their best.

If the cattle eat it, w'y maybe I'll cut another, but I don't want to be goin' round stuffin' my cows full of twigs for nothin'. Let 'em rustle for their feed, same as I do. But honest to God, Rufe, some of them little runty cows that hang around the river can't hardly cast a shadder, they're that ganted, and calves seems to be gittin' kinder scarce, too.

Just in about two minutes more I was comin' down to kick the stuffin' out o' him myself." "Perhaps you'd like to go back and do it now. I'll soon call him." "Oh, I hain't got time now, but some other time Let's find Sam." So they foregathered at the tree, and laden with their spoils, they returned gloriously to camp. The Deer Hunt

'Who's there? says th' Sultan, stuffin' th' loose change into his shoe. 'Th' house is pulled, says th' captain. 'Ye'er license is expired. Ye'd betther come peaceful, he says.

"I've noticed, since we set sail on this trip, that Kateegoose always turns out at daybreak, lights the galley fire, an' begins the dooties o' the day by stuffin' 'imself." "Ay, and I've noticed," observed one of the young hunters, "that it takes a deal o' stuffin' to fill him out properly, for he keeps on at it most part o' the day."

"Look hyah, Koku," he went on when he got to the kitchen. "Quit stuffin' dat 'ar pie an' go out an' see ef Massa Tom all right. He ought t' have bin in de house long sence. I'se skeered mebbe some villains mought've cotched him!" "Whoo!" growled the giant, jumping up so quickly that his big, specially-built chair crashed over. "Where um war-club? Me fixum!"

"But I was hungry, Mammy," apologized the little girl. "I don't cyer ef'n yer wuz," replied Mammy; "dat ain't no reason fur yer furgittin' yer manners, an' stuffin' yerse'f right fo' all de gemmuns.

Lord, he looked like a goose half picked, as if all the quills were gone, but the pen feathers and down were left, jist ready for singin and stuffin. He put me in mind of a sick Adjutant, a great tall hulkin bird, that comes from the East Indgies, a most as high as a man, and most as knowin as a Blue Nose.

'E's gone off in 'is shirt an' trousies, swearin' tremenjus gone down the road in the palanquin, wavin' 'is legs out o' windy." "Yes," said I, "but where?" "Now you arx me a question. 'E said 'e was goin' to sell that palanquin, but from observations what happened when I was stuffin' 'im through the door, I fancy 'e's gone to the new embankment to mock at Dearsley.

If ye men don't want to 'ear 'im, you don't 'ave to stay; but don't 'e dare touchen with a finger, or, by God! Tom Carkeek will kick the stuffin' out en 'e!" This was enough to prevent any overt act, for Tom Carkeek was the champion wrestler in all that county; he was fiercer than fire when roused, and he would be backed by every Cornishman on the job. Jack went on with his talk.