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Constance and Mr. Stroud are delighted, and mother has given her consent. Mother says she won't start with us, but may join us later in the day. He said we had better have three boats; but I wonder how we are going to pair off. I am not always going to be coupled with Kenneth, he and I are sure to fight.

It was some time after midday when the general and his staff finally left the headquarters in the city. Sam came downstairs with Major Stroud to mount his horse, and was surprised to see a landau with two horses drawn up at the door. "Who's that for?" he cried. "For the general," answered Major Stroud quietly. "For the general! Why on earth doesn't he ride a horse?"

Poulett Scrope, then representing the borough of Stroud in Parliament, took much interest in Irish questions, more especially during the Famine; at which time he, in a series of letters addressed to Lord John Russell, put forward his views on the legislation which he considered necessary under the existing circumstances of this country.

Drake, Surgeon, at Stroud, in this county, and late Surgeon to the North Gloucester Regiment of Militia: "In the spring of the year 1796 I inoculated men, women, and children to the amount of about seventy.

When he arrived at the headquarters' tent he found all the higher officers of the army there, and Stroud whispered to him that they had heard that Gomaldo would take the offensive the next morning, and that consequently a general advance was ordered for daybreak in order that they might forestall him.

They were intending to flee through the wilderness to the Delaware and Lehigh settlements, chiefly Fort Penn, built by Jacob Stroud, where Stroudsburg now is. When the five, darkened by weather and looking almost like Indians themselves, approached, Carpenter stepped forward and raised his rifle.

Think it over a little longer, Hooker I'm goin' down for a little stroll. But remember before noon to-morrow I've gotta have a definite answer. I've found that Morgan & Stroud send their bunches out every day at one o'clock." Tweet folded his precious paper, crammed it his pocket, and left the room. A few minutes afterward Hiram followed.

Pickwick's notes of the four towns, Stroud, Rochester, Chatham, and Brompton, that his impressions of their appearance differ in any material point from those of other travellers who have gone over the same ground. His general description is easily abridged. 'The principal productions of these towns, says Mr.

Their cabins contained their stock in trade, traps, guns, powder and lead, hatchets, looking-glasses, "stroud," beads, scarlet cloth, and other trinkets, articles generally of small cost, but highly prized by the red-men, and for which they gave in exchange peltries of great value. The trade was one of slow returns, but of great profits to the trader.

"I'm afraid we're not quite ready," said Sam. "No army ever is," replied Stroud laconically. "I wish the general were a little livelier and quicker," said Sam, blushing at his own blasphemy. "And thinner?" said Stroud, smiling, as he twisted his white mustache and smoothed his imperial. "Oh, he'll do very well.