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My mother had little money but she had no idea that some of the most nutritious foods are also the least expensive. It is no surprise to me that considering her nutrient-poor, fat-laden diet and stressful life, my mother eventually developed severe gall bladder problems. Her degeneration caused progressively more and more severe pain until she had a cholecystectomy.

I said, in a voice as tremulous with emotion as her own. "I trust you," she said simply. I knew not what to say; her faith in me was manifestly so boundless that I was humbled to the earth. And yesterday we were ignorant of each other's very existence! Stressful circumstance can level the conventions with amazing swiftness. "You are trembling," she whispered presently.

Some Bluebeard admiral there will always be for such stressful occasions, and David Kent, standing aside and growing cynical day by day, laid even chances on Hawk, the ex-district attorney, on Major Guilford, and on one Jasper G. Bucks, sometime mayor of Gaston the iridescent. Afterward he was to learn that he had underrated the gifts of the former mayor.

In that stressful time a war correspondent was almost as popular, with the officialdom of the German army, as the Asiatic cholera would have been. The privates were our best friends then.

But it was from one little window, with its blind drawn down, a mere blank transparency on the night, that the sense of home and the little curtained world within walls the larger stressful world of outside Nature shut out and forgotten most pulsated.

He saw it as something exquisitely fine and beautiful and yet proof against the vandal fingers of familiarity; a joy always, a light for the dark places, a guide and comrade in stressful times; and everlasting as the hills. Just as the poets have always sung of it. Would any man wear a sign, "Nothing doing!" in the face of that?

In all those stressful days, so far as he could see, the tides which in those parts rise and fall some forty feet, as you may see by the scoured bases of the towering cliffs seemed always at the full, the westerly gale driving in the waters remorselessly and piling them up against the land without cessation, and as though bent on its destruction.

So now our impression is that of an abundant, varied and intense life in which the individuals are perpetually struggling with one another for bare existence. Under these stringent and stressful conditions does each living being come into the world. He has to battle his way through or succumb. Plants as well as men, and men as well as plants.

"But we're too good sailors to mind that aren't we?" "I hope so," faltered Bess. It was not so much a question of sea-sickness with the motor girls, as it was a fear of damage in a comparatively small craft. They had been on the water enough, and in stressful times, too, so that they suffered no qualms. But a storm at sea is ever a frightful sensation, to even the seasoned traveler.

She felt better for awhile but wore down again after another stressful year. Her abdominal pains gradually returned though this time she noticed they were closely associated with her stresses. About one year after ending her first fast, as soon as she could arrange to take time off, she began another.