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They can afford to sell this poison at half the price of the original, and your artful restaurateur keeps an old bottle or two of the real product which he fills up, when empty, out of some hidden but never-failing barrel of the fraudulent mixture round the corner, charging you, of course, the full price of true Strega.

"Where's the wine list? What liqueurs have you got?" demanded Angus abruptly. The waiter rattled off a list, beginning with Strega and ending with cherry brandy. "Grand Marnier," said Angus. "And leave the bottle." Then he looked with arch triumph at Francis, like a wicked bird. Francis bit his finger moodily, and glowered with handsome, dark-blue uncertain eyes at Mr.

He fears and distrusts all liqueurs; it is one of his many senile traits. The stuff proved, to my surprise, to be orthodox Strega, likewise a rarity nowadays. It is a real shame what is happening to Strega at this moment. It has grown so popular that the country is flooded with imitations.

We find nothing about her of the hysterical dreams of the Northern witch, of marvelous journeys through the air, of Incubus and Succubus; the business of the 'strega' was to provide for other people's pleasures.

After that, it is advisable to absorb an ice or two they are excellent, at Cotrone and a glass of Strega liqueur, to ward off the effects of over-work.

If you complain, he proudly points to the bottle, the cork, the label: all authentic! No wonder foreigners, on tasting these concoctions, vow they will never touch Strega again.... We had a prolonged argument, over the coffee, about this Strega adulteration, during which I tried to make my friend comprehend how I thought the grievance ought to be remedied. How? By an injunction.

But the strega, though not as a rule dangerous to mankind, provided she be not disturbed or insulted, has the same supernatural power of transit on a broomstick that is possessed by her northern sister.

There must be fifty firms manufacturing shams of various degrees of goodness and badness; I have met their travellers in the most unexpected places. They reproduce the colour of Strega, its minty flavour everything, in short, except the essential: its peculiar strength of aroma and of alcohol.

More than once I endeavoured to set forth, in language intelligible to his understanding, what an injunction signified; more than once I explained how well-advised the Strega Company would be to take this course. In vain! He always missed my point. He always brought in some personal element, whereas I, as usual, confined myself to general lines, to the principle of the thing.

It would be a very natural thing to say, under the circumstances. I should say it myself! Now just take my advice. You go and tell your brother " "My brother? It is not my brother. You are quite beside the point. Why introduce this personal element? It is the Strega Company. Strega, a liqueur. I am talking about a commercial concern obtaining an injunction.